Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

More active role planned for Bailey’s Crossroads business group

The new president of the Bailey’s Crossroads/Seven Corners Revitalization Corporation (BC7RC), Brian van de Meulebroecke, a co-owner of Public House No. 7, told the group at its March 18 meeting that he wants it to become more like a chamber of commerce and encourage many more local businesses to get involved. That will take a significant effort, however, as the group doesn’t have a list of contacts.

Dan Aminoff, chair of the Mason District Land Use Committee, gave a presentation on what that group does. MDLUC members are appointed by Mason Supervisor Penny Gross, and the committee reviews land use issues, such as requests for special permits, special exceptions, or rezoning, before those requests are heard by the Fairfax County Planning Commission. The committee makes recommendations to the Planning Commission but doesn’t have the authority to stop a project.

The most contentious issue currently before the committee is a proposed daycare center on Glen Carlyn Road in Bailey’s Crossroads, which would serve up to 100 children. The MDLUC will consider that proposal at its next meeting, March 27, 7:30 p.m., at the Mason Government Center. Several local neighbors who oppose the project are expected to come to the meeting and talk about their objections to the project, including increased traffic. Aminoff hopes all the parties will be able to reach a compromise.

Liz Hagg and JoAnne Fiebe of the Fairfax County Office of Community Revitalization presented an update on OCR activities. The next meeting of the Seven Corners Land Use and Transportation Task Force (April 8, 7 p.m., at the Mason Government Center), which the OCR oversees, will be about finalizing the group’s transportation proposal.

Hagg said there is some money left over from a 1988 (!) bond that can be used for repairing sidewalks, streetlights, and related structures in the Bailey’s Crossroads/Seven Corners area. A walk-through is planned to identify what needs to be done.

BCRC Vice President Nancy Vorona reported that a litter cleanup is planned for April 26, and there will be another breakfast meeting with local businesses in early April at Public House No. 7.

11 responses to “More active role planned for Bailey’s Crossroads business group

  1. The place is freaking mess, the planting median looks like trucks have driven over it, the banners are all gone. It looks like areal dump and its too bad, it has so much potential but no County follow-thru. The Arlington side is kept far much better.

    1. i think it is because the BOS in Arlington are young, visionary, urban and sophisticated. The BOS in FFX is a generation apart and are stuck in another time.

  2. The Day Care Center proposal that the Mason District Land Use Committee is wrestling with to make a decision on is a non-brainer to me. You can't plop a 99 kid daycare in the middle of an R-3 zoned single-family neighborhood. What a nightmare that would be for neighbors! Also the daycare would be build in a watershed area. What the hell is the government thinking that they would even think about giving a permit for that. If they wanted to do a regular in home child care center with up to whatever is the limit is–9 or 10, then fine do that. But don't build a full blown business in the middle of a neighborhood, rent a vacate office building.

  3. I'm not necessarily defending the FFX BOS, but it's a whole lot easier to take care of the smallest area county in the US, than the sprawling lanscape that is Fairfax County. And your "ageism" is pretty ugly.

  4. It may also help that Arlco, thanks both to its location and to its aggressively urbanist policies, has more money (thanks to higher property values that more than offset a lower tax rate) and so can spend more on stuff like that. Critics of the "liberal urbanist elitist" ArlCo BoS often ask where the money goes – I guess it goes to things like this.

  5. Knock, Knock, the FFX County BOS didnt get it 20 years ago and they dont get it now. Arlington Co may be small, but there are many large and small cities and countys that are either well managed or not well managed. FFX County probalby passes muster on being managed, but that is in jeopardy given the demographic changes and the lack of vision to take FFX to the next level.

  6. We put elementary schools in SFH areas, don't we? why is a day care so much worse? Do we want all kids in office buildings all the time?

  7. With the way Mason District and Fxco Code Compliance are going there will soon be NO "SINGLE" Family Homes left anywhere…as they nod and wink each other into "compliance for every violation" of occupancy limits.

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