Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Most Annandale Shopping Center tenants have good relationship with landlord

Annandale Shopping Center.

While Pro Maxx Fitness is embroiled in a tenancy dispute
with the owners of the Annandale Shopping Center – and faces eviction at the
end of the month – other tenants in that center report good relations
with the landlord.
Pro Maxx, which has been operating on a month-to-month
basis, had been unsuccessful in negotiating a lease, and the
conflict will be heard in court Sept. 19. Meanwhile, many of the gym’s members
and employees have been showing support for the gym, on the street with signs, on Facebook, and in an online petition

It should be noted that tenants aren’t likely to openly
criticize a landlord they need to work with. However, all the business owners
or managers who happened to be around on Sunday had good things to say about  Carol Zach Reuss, who manages the shopping center for the owners, the McWhorter family.
Reuss serves as vice chair of the Annandale Central Business District Planning Committee and is active in the Annandale Chamber of Commerce.
David Starr, the owner of Beanetics Coffee Roasters, said he’s
never had a problem with the landlord. When he opened the shop in 2006, he had
a three-year lease, which was extended to five years and renewed for another
five. Reuss “has always been very responsive” and was “very
helpful in getting our business off the ground, making sure our build-out was
done properly and getting through the permitting process,” Starr said.
Egan Del, owner of Annandale Photo, said he has “no
complaints” and called Reuss “a fair person” who is polite and listens to his
concerns. Tae Kim, manager of Quiznos, also reported no problems since the
sandwich shop opened seven years ago.
Don Nguyen, owner of Eden Nails & Spa, called a Reuss a “very
good landlord” who does a good job maintaining the parking lot and HVAC system. “I’ve never worked with a better landlord,” said Treasure Trove Assistant Manager Annyce Ferrogari. Ruess has been “very accommodating,”
she said, letting Treasure Trove use the empty Bloom building for special events.
Reuss has been “very fair with us,” said John Kim, manager
of the Cue Club, which has a 15-year lease. “It’s an unfortunate situation,” he
said of the Pro Maxx dispute. “I can see both sides. I hope they resolve it.”

16 responses to “Most Annandale Shopping Center tenants have good relationship with landlord

    1. Even the Chamber Members are familiar with Carol Zach (Reuss) negative tactics. And being tired they have acquiesed to the dictatorship of her and of few of her cronies. With that, Annandale continues to devolve into vacant space (35,000 sf Bloom) strip centers and soon to add 9,000 more sf (Pro MAXX), while Carol Zach destroys the most Cohesive Community Element in Annandale for years – Pro MAXX Fitness. That's a hell of a way/tactic for her to get her sister a job….and be sure to ask Carol about that piece of the issue. PS: I'm a member, not an owner or trainer. PPS: 28 trainers and staff are losing their jobs so that one job can be given to Zach's sister.

    2. This name calling is getting out of hand. Name calling and slandering is not helping your cause. I would suggest you tone down your negative attacks. Let the courts work out this situation. I support having a gym there and think they have been doing great outreach in the community but they are a business and so is Annandale Shopping Center. Carol has also been a great asset to the community and the shopping center is a wonderful place to shop. Carol is very community oriented. You are only hearing one side and should stop making judgement and name calling until you hear both sides.

  1. What does Pro Maxx pay per square foot versus other businesses like Silverado vs like Quizno's vs the Cue If No rates are available for who is paying what, then the Blog should stay out of this "argument".

  2. Who are you to dictate the Blog's interest in the Annandale Community's well being. If you want to know the lease terms of the tenants in the ASC, contact the landlord and get back to us with the details…..

  3. Best thing about ASC are the signs. I only read and speak english so it is a great help to have signage that is readable. The signs in foreign languages are not very welcoming, they could be read as gweilo stay away.

    1. I posted the above comment and want to clarify that I welcome everyone but in order to do that you need a common bond. The common bond is the language if we all can speak, read, and write English it would benefit us all as a community. I see "Pollo" places with signage but they include the word chicken. If it is the owners intent to keep this a white shopping center then I must disagree. America is a melting pot of cultures and that is what makes this country great and unique. I don't always agree some of the things that our govt does but you live with the good and bad.

    2. Ideally, no one – including Ms. Ruess and the owners of ProMaxx Fitness – wants to see the gym close. The best way to prevent a closure is to get both sides back to the negotiating table before the issue goes to court. They are the only ones who know the facts, and the only ones who can agree to keep the gym open. Those of us who don't know the facts, can only urge both sides to a negotiated settlement that
      -avoids court,
      -provides the gym with security of tenancy,
      -gives management security of income,
      -offers Annandale residents with a place to meet and achieve healthy goals, and
      -encourages the economic activity that the Annandale business community needs and wants.

  4. Never read so much about a subject that over 90% of those who are commenting have no idea of the details of what has transpired between the Landlord and the tenant. If this is the way those commenting form opinions I am glad I am not there friend or acquaintance.

    1. I must be part of the 10%. Taking a lesse/lessor dispute to a public forum is not a legal action. I see this whole thing as a legal 30 day notice given, please leave. Sure tenants have rights if they have a lease in this case they do not. People and their entitlements, shhessh.

  5. And it's people like Carol Zach Reuss that are causing Annandale to become a dump and devoid of businesses other than Korean BBQ places. Good job Carol you have failed again. Your new position “Chief of Devoid Business Development”. Now we can two VACANT businesses in that strip mall. GOOD JOB!!

    Look at the headlines, when you get investigated a nice fall will look good in the headlines. It only takes ONE bad headline and you’re washed up. Happens everyday..

    The McWhorter's need to get rid of YOU.

  6. @Anonymous 9/15/14 3:07 – I am sick and tired of how rude some of you have been on the blog and personally insulting Carol and others. I have no stake in neither the gym or the shopping center except I want my town to do well. Nasty behavior and comments are not needed. Yes it is sad that the gym and shopping center are in this mess but you are not helping.

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