Multifamily housing proposed for Seven Corners

Southern Management, the owner of the Cavalier Club apartment building in Seven Corners submitted a rezoning proposal May 31 to allow the construction of a new residential mixed-use building and a parking garage.
Cavalier Club is located at 6200 Wilson Boulevard in a corner of Mason District bordering Arlington County and the City of Falls Church. The existing 12-story 220-unit apartment building would be retained.

The proposed seven-story 250-unit building would include 5,000 square feet of ground-floor retail. The new building and parking garage would be constructed on the existing surface parking lot.
Southern Management proposes changing the zoning from the R-20 multifamily designation to PRM (planned residential mixed-use). The 5.6-acre property is currently assessed at just over $28 million.
Lovely for those who want to walk to the mosque where Nadal Hasan, Nawaf al-Hazmi, Hani Hanjour were instructed by imam Anwar al-Awlaki.
Isn’t there some other place you can purvey your weird xenophobia than a local online newspaper that covers parks, schools, and the stray development proposal? Surely there is a Reddit thread for you to find like-minded folks and let the rest of us think about pros and cons of proposed housing.
You must be new here. 90% of the comments are thinly veiled racism/bigotry or NIMBY BS.
Not new, obviously, but hoping to push back against that garbage.
Good man
Keep fighting the good fight
Reddit isnt a place where I live and raise a family. Annandale Today covers where I live, and I’ve been here for decades and have roots here that go back longer than you’ve been alive. As you watch this community deteriorate, remember it’s never too late to admit you’re wrong.
This is way on the other side of Seven Corners Bear BJs.
Do we have the roads and schools and medical care to support this?
This is the one comment that I am sympathetic to. I do not get a sense that the infrastructure is ready for this kind of
expansion. Will have to examine it as it comes through the process.
I do hope it gets careful review going through the planning cycle. It’s clear that transportation is a legitimate concern in our area, but I am not sure how we can accurately describe the problem. Because the larger 7 Corners road system is a mess, it isn’t totally clear to me what the actual capacity of the system might be. For example, 7 Corners layout was first implemented as a cross roads, then it became a destination and then, as the county grew, most of the traffic bypassed much of the area. Now, as we return to a more aggressive development mode, it remains to be seen where the traffic comes from and where it is going. I also note that the site is adjacent to Arlington County and that will surely complicate traffic mitigation. It is also worthwhile to remember that there is a metro station in relative proximity.
Medical care? Probably.
Roads? LOL!
Schools? Definitely NOT.
Bear in mind that all the extra students will need not just space, but teachers (including specialists and special educators), aides, and bus drivers. There are long-standing shortages in every single one of those categories.
That would be a long walk from Wilson Blvd.
$28 million assessment? I wouldn’t move my family to that area if you gave me $28 million. A complete dump crawling with crime. Look at the heat map on the neighbors app. This is crime central. Helicopters hovering with spotlights constantly.
Uh, what?
That area of 7 corners has lots of helicopters because it is on a helicopter flight route, and the vast majority of the flights are military – not police.
source is me – i live and work in 7 corners and I see the flights.
I live and work here too, since the 90s.
You said you wouldn’t move your family to that area because it’s a crime ridden dump, but now you say you live and work here?
Which is it?
I’ve lived within 2 miles of seven corners for 16 years, and while there are clearly some of things that come with poverty/low income housing, the shrill sky is falling nonsense that You People recite ad nauseum from Fox News is just not true.
And if you hate this place and the people who live here why don’t you just hit the bricks?
I live in the general area, but not by that building site.
Seven Corners is a traffic mess to begin with, and 250 more houses will add significantly to traffic and congestion in all directions, especially during rush hours. Whatever happened to planning increased density at Metro stops such as at East Falls Church Metro?
It is only 1.1 miles to EFC station. The cost of acquiring the existing homes that are closer to EFC likely makes increasing density cost-prohibitive.
used to live here, 30ish years ago. driving in the area was always a mess.
It’s a true test of nerves and patience; I already go out of my way (literally) to avoid it.
I hope multifamily mixed use also includes mixed housing for various income levels.
Development, increased density, is inevitable in the 7 Corners area. Accross the street from TCC, a new subdivision of who knows how many single family- zero lot line homes, are being built (100?) And, soon we’ll learn what’s to come on the Sears site (500?). Eden Center owners are also rumored to be in the early stages of the redevelopment process. Big change is a comin’……
Love this! Big changes are spreading throughout the area.