Naborforce matches seniors with helpers

Naborforce, a company that matches seniors who need a hand with errands or household chores with someone who can help, just became available in Annandale last week.
The program is similar to the village concept underway in some communities, such as Lake Barcroft, which recruits volunteers to help their older neighbors – except Naborforce is monetized and operates through an app, like Uber.
Unlike other gig workers, however, the helpers who sign on to Naborforce tend to be passionate about giving back to the community and helping others; they’re not just doing it for the money, says founder Paige Wilson.

Seniors can’t always rely on family members or volunteers. Ten years ago, Wilson’s mother broke her hip and needed help with a lot of little things, like getting to her bridge club and shopping for groceries.
Wilson stepped in as much as people, but says, “I couldn’t always be there to help her.” That’s the case with a lot of families, when sons or daughters have stressful jobs, often with last-minute meetings, and their own parenting responsibilities.
“That’s a big issue facing the country as the baby boomers are aging,” Wilson says. The number of people over 80 is growing, while the number of family members who can serve as caregivers is shrinking.
“Older people who can no longer drive or manage basic chores have to rely on family members or volunteers if they want to stay independent or they have to move into assisted living,” she says. “There is really nothing in between.”
Wilson started Naborforce in Richmond four years ago to fill that gap. Since then, it has expanded to Atlanta, Bethesda, Charlottesville, Virginia Beach, and Northern Virginia – including Alexandria, Springfield, Woodbridge, and other locations.
Older adults who want to participate can sign up online, entering their address and credit card information. They can book a “Nabor,” as the helpers are called, for as little as one hour.
Potential Nabors undergo a background check, Wilson says, and once they are fully vetted. they use the Naborforce app to accept assignments.

Nabors take on such tasks as making a meal, changing a lightbulb, clearing out a garage, going to social events, or addressing Christmas cards – or whatever is needed. In one case, a client whose son travels a lot for work just wanted someone to have lunch with twice a week.
In Northern Virginia, the client pays $33 an hour, and the Nabor receives $19. There’s a one-hour minimum. After that, pricing is prorated for every five minutes.
“Some older adults hate feeling like they’re being a burden when they have to rely on volunteers from their church or community,” Wilson says. “This is a transaction.”
The average age of Nabors is 54, she says, and many are in their 60s and 70s. For retirees, it’s a great way to stay connected with the community, and it’s better than a part-time job because it’s flexible. Nabors can choose which tasks to accept and how much they want to work.
The average visit is two hours, and the average Nabor works four to six hours a week.
If someone is interested in becoming a Nabor, who would they contact to get the process started? And … if someone needed a Nabor, how would they sign up for one?
Hi there! You can either call our office at 703-782-8855 or visit our website at Thanks for inquiring and have a joyous day!
Hi Jen. This seems like a great program. I was just perusing your website and I do have one question. Under the “Below are the base requirements in order to be considered” it lists “4-year college degree (preferred).” I’m very curious as to why a 4-year college degree is preferred for this. Reading over the services offered there is no task listed that would require any form of higher education to complete. Frankly, this type of gig seems like a terrific opportunity for kids currently in high school and college, as well as adults.
Hi Hurley,
Thank you for your question and interest in Naborforce! A 4-year college degree is not required and we encourage anyone who is willing and able to apply to be a Nabor! We work with some amazing college students & adults and would love to meet with anyone 18+ with a valid drivers license. You can apply by calling our office at 703-782-8855 or through our website at
Have a wonderful day!