New townhouses are selling in Annandale

More than half of the homes in the new Townes at Little River Crossing have been sold already.
The community, at McWhorter Place and Markham Street in central Annandale, has 43 townhomes. So far 24 have been sold, and 11 are occupied, says Liz Walker, community sales manager with the Christopher Cos. Seven homes are still under construction.
The homes are priced from about $760,000 for the basic Cameron model to over $930,000 for the largest model, the Hemlock, on the end of a row. All homes have a two-car garage.

There are three different home styles, ranging from 1,854 to 2,813 square feet.
The basic 20-foot-wide Cameron model has three bedrooms and two and a half bathrooms. Homebuyers can opt for two additional bedrooms, two additional bathrooms, a loft with a deck, and a wet bar. The Carlyle is similar but is 22 feet wide.
The Hemlock is 24 feet wide and has three to five bedrooms, two and a half to five and a half bathrooms, and an optional loft deck.

Christopher Cos. is offering $1,000 to homebuyers who refer another homebuyer who signs a contract by the end of the year.
A small park is being developed at the newly rounded intersection at McWhorter Place and Markham Street.
The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors approved the project in July 2020. The townhomes replaced several small single-family houses that had been converted to commercial uses. One house remains, as the owner declined to sell to Christopher Cos.
It’s the new American dream… buy an overpriced apartment and barely get by on two incomes while navigating overpopulation and ever-increasing crime.
fr who would buy this IN ANNANDALE 😂
Jesus, nearly a million for an end-unit townhouse in Annandale? Prices are insane, I’d rather get a SFH and not share walls with any potential lunatic at less money.
Wow… that toy looking townhouses are almost a million dollars??? Plus, it is in Annandale. This is insane. I don’t know what else to say…
You could offer me one of those places for free, and I wouldn’t let my kid live there. What an ugly East German looking monstrosity in an obscure and somewhat dangerous area. Know who will be your neighbors? About 6-15 people in each unit.
It’s bad enough that they’re overpriced (what real estate in NoVA isn’t?), but do they have to be so ugly? Who designed these places? Ugh. No thanks.
And the beautiful little house that’s in your front yard… way overpriced!
My house is huge and it’s not for sale.
There is a need for more housing, and this should add wealthier people to the neighborhood who pay taxes and spend money at local businesses. Would you rather have a homeless shelter or a slum here? There are some very nice homes throughout Annandale on Old Columbia Pike, down Heritage and in the Camelot development. It’s not all ghetto housing, though low income families need a place to live also. I see further gentrification in our future. Land in NoVa is so expensive that developers can’t afford to build elaborate homes that are architectural showplaces. And they don’t have to because people will buy these less attractive homes in a heartbeat.
I agree. If 11 units has sold, it means there is demand for it. It is not the best location, but it is inside the beltway. I prefer to have 900k town homes being sold vs the single bd/ studious apartments that they want to build in the K-Mart shopping center. Annandale should try to attrack wealthier families.
Annandale has become a crime ridden community. Certainly not the place to buy a million dollar home.
Expensive townhome is an oxymoron. These homes are for dumb rich people. There is no shortage of those because of our proximity to the fed govt and its parasites.
Do you realize that Annandale also encompasses west of 495 down Braddock rd to Woodland Way and north to a bit beyond 236? That area includes many neighborhoods with very desirable single family homes.
Doesn’t change the fact of high crime. I live within 800 ft of 236, Annandale High, Fairmont Gardens, and the Safeway shopping center in a single family neighborhood. 3 murders in the last 5 or so years, constant vehicle break ins, helicopters flying over, sirens from police literally every week.
30yrs at the same house and getting out as fast as I can.
Glad we live in a commonwealth. If you want to avoid crime go live in west va and marry your cousin.
What a hateful thing to say. WV is lovely.
Deport the lawless. Not the law abiding.
I’m an “Annandale-ite” who now lives in rural central WV.
Before moving here I might have easily made that same comment but now find it offensive.
Be better.
I moved to WV during covid. The quality of life is much higher than NoVa in every conceivable way. The residents are the kindest, most humble and hospitable I’ve encountered. It feels like America from generations past.
Three murders in five whole years? Sakes alive! Sounds like a veritable Detroit.
Actually Detroit has been seriously cleaned up and is trending in the right direction. So much investment in downtown which was made possible by enforcing the law.
Annandale is trending in the wrong direction.
Fairfax county Board of Supervisors, with the support of both outgoing democrat & incoming democrat Mason Supervisors, have consistently advocated and advance “affordable housing” in Mason District – as well as higher density (townhomes and mid to high rise buildings). Be nice if McLean had some of that instead of concentrating it in Mason. These decisions by elected officials is doing nothing to help the existing neighborhood, home owners, or our schools. Yes poor people need a place to live but should not be concentrated as that creates a ghetto. If you want a change then think, learn and vote.
These responses are so bizarre, I can’t tell if folks are jealous others can afford these or just want Annandale to remain a 70s era strip mall. I think Pam’s reply is fairly spot on.
I think I’m hearing people emphasize low crime, immigration laws, affordability, and character. I agree.
As someone who could buy one of those townhouses with cash, I agree with the bizarre responses.
Jealousy and Judgement. Jealous that people they think are lessor can afford a Million dollar home. Judging because they disagree with the value judgements of people who want to live close in.
Also, I’d bet dollars to doughnuts the haters are the same commenters who swear that Fairfax county is a a gang infested, crumbling hellhole that the “decent people” are fleeing.
Yeah definitely a hellhole. New townhouses in Annandale $1M. New townhouses at Loehmanns $700K. 3rd richest county in America, again.
But they will come on here and swear they can’t go a strip mall without getting mugged, despite having never been mugged, ever, anywhere.
I had a guy pull a gun on me at 7-11 last year. The 7-11 continues to be robbed and vandalized, especially since the gambling machines were put in. I’ve been harassed by people begging for money inside and outside of stores. There was a rape a few months ago at the park down the street from my house. Murder at the local ATM last year. People fleeing from the cops all over the place. 3 cars down the street from me were stolen in the past year. My neighbors’ cars keep getting broken into. Code violations and abandoned vehicles everywhere. Went to Home Depot the other day and a day laborer was urinating in the parking lot in plain sight. Most of the tools in Home Depot are locked up. Cops in front of Home Depot all the time. I personally witnessed 2 Home Depot employees chasing a shoplifter through the parking lot with their phones recording him the other day. In every instance above, the criminals were wearing surgical masks.
Housing prices in San Francisco are high, too. How are things going out there? Seen that place lately?
Not a hellhole but certainly going in the wrong direction. One party rule comes with consequences.
These will soon be defacto boarding houses with white vans and cabs crammed into every inch of the street. Calling for more density is like pouring water in a leaky bucket… or gasoline on a dumpster fire. You can have my $200 tax rebate back – if you use it to enforce housing codes and parking violations in my once residential neighborhood.
What’s this $200 tax rebate? I pay almost 20k in real estate and property taxes. I don’t expect much… the gangsters will take what they want. However I’m pretty sure I would have noticed a $200 rebate, since I’m house poor and inflation is absolutely killing me.