Owner sought for lost parakeet

Anyone missing a pet bird? A parakeet flew into Mike’s Turnpike Auto at 6304 Little River Turnpike in Lincolnia last week.
Ben, the shop’s manager, bought a birdcage but says he can’t keep the parakeet due to his dog’s reaction to it. Contact Ben at 703-642-9100.
Must be a slow news day, animals don’t care about right or left blue or red, let it go. Hardly news, this is weak reporting.
Lighten up, Francis.
I’ll keep saying it until people stop complaining. Annandale Today is a blog. It is well-written, free, and one of the best sources of truly local news and other events in the area.
If you have a problem with this harmless notice, go check out the obituary pages in a political rag. I for one, hope this little budgie finds their home again. For the record, domestic birds won’t do well in the dropping temperatures, and parakeets are NOT a native species, so they have no business being “set free” in Virginia, anyway.
Great comment Kim!!! This parakeet deserves a nice warm and safe forever home.
What in the world are you talking about, Righht? If all you want to discuss is politics, go back to your left, right, blue or red news channel. This is all about decent people who care about the well being of animals and their companions.
Hey, I was the one that asked Annandale Today to list the lost parakeet and I appreciate the fact that they were willing to do so! Thank you Annandale Today!!!!!