Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Kids create baskets for babies

Sixty children and parents came together for a Baskets for Babies event Dec. 7 hosted by Kids Give Back. At the event, at Bethlehem Lutheran Church on Little River Turnpike, volunteers assembled 75 boxes full of baby supplies for low-income, expectant parents. The kids wrapped cardboard boxes in festive paper and filled them with items … Continued

Amazon Fresh opens Dec. 12

Amazon Fresh is opening Dec. 12 at 8 a.m. at the Crossroads Center in Bailey’s Crossroads. The grocery store will offer special deals, free samples, and giveaways all day. The first person in line will receive a $100 gift card. The next 99 people in line will receive a random gift card worth $5, … Continued

New gateway signage in the works for Bailey’s Crossroads and Seven Corners

New gateway signage will be developed for the Bailey’s Crossroads and Seven Corners Commercial Revitalization District. The idea is to create a sense of place and branding for the area and encourage redevelopment, says Mike Van Atta, president of the Crossroads + Corners Coalition (C3).   Bailey’s Crossroads already has gateway signs featuring a circus … Continued

Weekly crime report

The following recent crimes in the Annandale/Mason District area are reported by the Fairfax County Police Department on CityProtect:

School news

The following news briefs highlight happenings in Annandale/Mason District schools.