Pants banned for women at Westminster School
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Hillary Clinton not dressed up enough for Westminster |
Women teachers, administrators, and parent volunteers at the Westminster School look well turned out in tailored suits or nice dresses. You won’t see them in pantsuits, however, as pants are prohibited in the dress code for women who work at the pricey private school.
It seems unbelievable in this day and age—when powerful women in business and government regularly wear pants—that a private school here in Annandale would resort to such an outdated requirement.
“When you dress up, you feel better about yourself,” said a Westminster teacher in defense of the no-pants policy. “We expect the kids to dress up, so we should too,” said the middle-aged teacher sporting a skirt and sweater ensemble. A woman in a sweater dress who was setting up the school’s book fair said the dress code applies to school volunteers as well, although it’s okay to wear pants if you’re just picking up your child at the end of the day.
The K-8 school, at 3819 Gallows Road, promises a classical education in an atmosphere of professional decorum. Students wear uniforms—white shirts, long pants, and ties for the boys; plaid jumpers and white blouses for the girls. Tuition is over $17,900 a year, with additional charges for bus service and after-school care.
They must be doing something right – people line up to pay $17,000 in tuition. Radical idea – men should be manly and women womenly and wear feminine clothing. If we taught more of that maybe we'd go back to having men that took care of their wives and kids and women who would be respected for being mothers instead of having to man up and "wear the pants" in the family.
What an ignorant comment. You equate a high price with high quality education….when you should equate high testing scores to high price. But you are right, lets go back to the time when women were subservient, cooked all day, pumped kids like crazy, could not vote, and were treated like whores because they wore lipstick. because women who wear pants just aren't women enough.
I can understand the school having a uniform requirement for students, but to tell the parents what to wear is insulting. Even if they told the parents to dress up, without the dress/skirt policy, I would question the school's priorities. But, to place such an extra demand on just the females is an unfair burden, as well as sexist. Not to mention impractical…can you imagine the unlucky female chaperone going to a nature center field trip in a skirt? Does she have to wear high heels too?!
Why do the moms have a dress code too? Aren't THEY the ones paying for this school? They should get to wear whatever they want.
This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. In what year does this school operate? My daughters are both at Congressional Schools where they, and I, are allowed to wear pants. And, frankly, we are all doing swimmingly with our efforts to reach our goals despite the fabric between our legs. If you are looking for a great private school operating in modern times, I recommend Congressional!
They must be doing something right – people line up to pay $17,000 in tuition. Radical idea – men should be manly and women womenly and wear feminine clothing. If we taught more of that maybe we'd go back to having men that took care of their wives and kids and women who would be respected for being mothers instead of having to man up and "wear the pants" in the family.
Funny, you're a guy I'm guessing. You seem like your about 60 by the way you said "radical". But what you said is wrong, my mom is taking care of the entire family right now. My dad is trying to open a new business and she's the only one with a paying job. She's doing all of that while sending me to this school. I WONDER HOW SHE'S DOING IT ALL! ISN'T SHE A WOMAN? AREN'T MEN SUPPOSED TO BE RUNNING THE FAMILY AND TAKING CARE OF EVERYONE? Well you're wrong A$$ HOLE.
What an ignorant comment. You equate a high price with high quality education when you should equate high testing scores to high price. But you are right, lets go back to the time when women were subservient, cooked all day, pumped kids like crazy, could not vote, and were treated like whores because they wore lipstick. because women who wear pants just aren't women enough.
I can understand the school having a uniform requirement for students, but to tell the parents what to wear is insulting. Even if they told the parents to dress up, without the dress/skirt policy, I would question the school's priorities. But, to place such an extra demand on just the females is an unfair burden, as well as sexist. Not to mention impractical…can you imagine the unlucky female chaperone going to a nature center field trip in a skirt? Does she have to wear high heels too?!
I go to school here, she doesn't have to wear high heels btw. But the moms, when they come for fun lunch (a day the whole school has pizza for lunch), all the moms wear pants and tennis shoes. Also, we had a resource teacher and she would sometimes wear pants, I'm pretty sure.
This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. In what year does this school operate? My daughters are both at Congressional Schools where they, and I, are allowed to wear pants. And, frankly, we are all doing swimmingly with our efforts to reach our goals despite the fabric between our legs. If you are looking for a great private school operating in modern times, I recommend Congressional!
I went to Congressional when I was young and continue to go to camp there, it is a great school, but Westminster is too, I actually got there. And this whole skirt rule isn't a big deal, this is happening all around the world. I recommend both schools.
Sure wish I had enough money to pay a school to tell me how to dress so that my child would grow up to be "professional."
Making women wear skirts is not going to improve the quality of education at this school. Westminster is a mediocre, self-selective school that appeals to somewhat snobbish people who do don't want to spend the the time or perhaps lack the skill to gather information about what is needed for a quality education. If it costs a lot, it must be good is the mantra. I think it is funny that the school is enacting such a silly rule. Let's see if the sheep follow without a bleat. I bet they do.
I go here and it's not a school for snobs, it's not mediocre either. The people here actually care about the students. But you ignorant B1TCH can't accept something like that, can you?
Comments like these are no wonder our public schools stink. Zero tolerance for anything less than the socialist state wants. Let this school do what it wants – this is America, and you don't pay a dime for their school and they pax property taxes to support the failed public schools.
Also – who is the clueless nut above who said the person above wanted to go back to a time when
women couldn't vote? Who is the arrogant ingorant person that thinks women who choose to have children and wear lipstick are whores? It seems to me, the women wearing the pants was not a comment on how they dressed, but how our societies values have changed. Men are wimps…and women want to always be in control. What great shape our society is in!
Neither a dress does a woman make, nor pants make a man. I think the school's dress code is stupid, archaic and a marketing tool aimed at parents who find this society's freedom a bit too much for them to handle.
Whatever the reason, people are lining up to send their kids to this place and out of the cesspool of public schools where 7th graders get pregnant. Doubt they have that problem, so get off your ivory towers and swallow the fact this school appeals to a segmnent of society liberals better start learning to not only tolerate, but comprehend.
I have no problem with it – however, I personally am against the policy – left, right or middle. I worked at Arthur Murray and they had a similar rule for their female teachers (who were also made to wear high heels the moment they stepped in the place.) Mainly – It gets cold and I think it's stupid to wear a dress when it is freezing outside. I have a feeling a man made this policy. I think it is dumb.
Actually a woman named Jane Gaul made this policy. She's the one that set up the school. She died a few years after being the "headmaster". But she made all the rules and made the uniforms the way they are. But Mr. Glover, the current principle, does seem like he'd be the guy to make this policy. I'm in 8th grade, all I see when he's around is him winking at girls, talking to them like their his high school sweetheart, or looking at her in a wrong way. Keep in mind, this guy's like 60 years old!
Cesspool of public schools? hmm, when I think of Fairfax County Public Schools, this is not the quote that comes to mind. They are one of the best in the nation/world. As far as this school not having a problem with teen pregnancy, you would have to look at data. But, having their women and girls wear skirts, certainly isn't going to help with that particular problem!
Here are the facts, and why people are flocking to pay to send their kids to private schools like this one. I for one think the charter school concept is a good idea. Why should these people who choose to send their kids to private schools have to contribute for failed liberal public policies? There is no discipline in public schools, and without discipline, there is less learning going on.
I for one am frankly sick of paying taxes for stats like this: According to the Washgington Post, Sixty-two percent of Virginia’s public schools fell short of testing goals in math and reading, compared with 39 percent the year before. All but four of the state’s 132 school divisions, including all of those in Northern Virginia, also failed.
Perhaps wearing skirts will establish some "uniformity" and let the kids at this school focus less on dress and more on learning? I dunno. Ever travel the world? In many countruies the kids in public schools wear uniforms, girls in skirts mostly. Whatever, its none of your business if you don't send your kid there. Conversely, what your kid does in public scholl is MY business, because I'm bankrolling the deal with my property taxes.
Ok, but who asked? Huh?
The 2013/14 school year is not even over and yet Westminster School stands to lose around 50 percent of it's teaching force. Does this sound like a school that has it together well enough to teach your children? From the headmaster down the facility is completely inept along with it's board of directors. Apparently the schools management is completely clueless. PARENTS! Do your research and don't trust blogs that are all "feel good" they were written by the schools front office!
They were written by the front office
What is going on with Westminster School? Yet again another mass exit of school teachers some only here for a couple years and others only one year. The issue may be found within the ranks of it's own leadership. Their teachers are overworked and forced to constantly quiz and test the students. They call traditional education copying the book on the board for the children to copy down. They don't allow group work or collaborative learning. And the children are constantly yelled at or given a death stare to make them feel small and worthless. This is their Westminster-style discipline. They don't believe children learn differently. There is no school counselor or nurse. The Headmaster is the counselor. There are no IEPS In addition the school focuses on school plays more than they focus on math and science. Also, don't forget, if you disagree with the school, you might as well leave. Things don't change. Strange occurrences happen at this school. They should be investigated. I had to protect my children and remove them from the school. Beware of Westminster School. Don't drink the cult Kool-Aid!
Wait, what weird stuff, I've been here since second grade and haven't noticed anything
As a current mother and parent of a Westminster School student, I would like to firmly say to all parents thinking about sending their daughter to this school to PLEASE RECONSIDER! Westminster severely lacks a proper educational environment. The extreme stress placed on students by the faculty is vastly detrimental to the mental well being of adolescents. There is no school counselor, the headmaster also fills this position and his focus is on discipline while completely neglecting the mental and emotional health of the student body. Many current students parents have confided in me, as their 3rd/4th graders, about the horrifying lack of sleep they suffer, the emotional anguish they experience trying to achieve perfect grades, and the physical illnesses they suffer from overworking themselves due to the high expectations of their teachers. (A book to board to notebook process) Surely, while no school is perfect, there must be a better way to give a young woman an education without leaving her mentally scarred throughout her early years. DO NOT send your daughter here! Pants are the least of their issues!
As a current 8th grader at Westminster School who has been going here for over 5 years, I would like to say that nobody here is neglected mentally, the teachers are fine, and your daughter's a pussy. The only thing wrong with this school is the principle, Mr. Glover, and he's gonna die soon anyways.
It's truly a land of make believe both in the theatre and the classroom at Westminster School. Mr. Ellis Glover, Headmaster Westminster School in Annandale, VA is without any doubt a chronic narcissist; He offends and abuses but in a non-premeditated intention, but as a result of his character and personality. Heres a lyric from the headmasters own disturbing music CD he produced some time ago. "So why do I need to be Jekyll and Hyde" Need I say more?
Mr. Glover is a narcissist, and extremely disrespectful. Once, a lady who had just been hired that year and didn't know what an idiot he was had brought him coffee he asked for when he was teaching enrichment, a class where he basically talks about his life experiences and how great he was, and he told her don't interrupt me, leave the coffee on the table. He couldn't even show a little appreciation. And he's done that plenty more times. What an A$$ HOLE
Unfortunately Westminster School has lost two kindergarten teachers one after the other in the last six months. Whats going on?
Westminster School has lost 56 employees in four years, 19 last year alone. This is not a joke the list keeps getting longer by the minute.
I agree, I was in sixth grade then, 16 of those 19 teachers left teaching the 5/6th grade department. The person letting these kids in is Ms. Glazier, the like 2nd principle or whatever. She sucks!