Park Authority shuts down pickleball despite an injunction filed by residents

The Fairfax County Park Authority has followed through on its decision to shut down pickleball at Kendale Woods Park in Annandale, but the players have not given up on their fight to save the courts.
As a Park Authority staff member and contractors showed up at the courts before 7 a.m. on June 14, they were met with a handful of players staging a sit-in. The crew took away the pickleball nets, but left without power washing and relining the courts as they had planned.
Residents locked out
That night, sometime between 10:30 and 11:30 p.m., the Park Authority installed a lock on the fence, preventing anyone from using the two shared courts for pickleball or tennis.
That happened the day after a group of pickleball players filed an injunction to stop the Park Authority’s action.
Related story: Park Authority will remove popular pickleball courts at Kendale Woods Park
The injunction asks the Fairfax County Circuit Court to “stop FCPA from removing the pickleball courts at Kendale Woods until which time efforts to accurately measure noise levels from pickleball specifically at this park are made and pursue ways to mitigate sound if necessary are attempted.”
Park Authority Executive Director Jai Cole had previously told the players that pickleball is being removed from Kendale Woods Park because a couple who lives nearby complained about the noise.
That couple failed to meet with the pickleball players or Park Authority staff to discuss a compromise. Their home is closer than the 250-foot distance recommended by the Park Authority but there is a 50-foot tree buffer in between.
Neighbors fight back
Since the removal of the pickleball courts was announced in early May, neighborhood pickleball players mobilized to save them. They wrote to Cole and other county officials, attended a Park Board meeting, and posted a petition that has so far gotten 545 signatures.
The pickleball players charge the Park Authority violated an agreement with the Broyhill Crest Recreation Club, which deeded the property for community use in 1983.

The players are baffled that a single complaint can close a park facility and suspect there must be some other reason. They wonder whether the decision is related to an outside group paying the county to use the courts for tennis lessons.
In March, a group called DMV Tennis Academy put up signs advertising tennis lessons at that park. However, the group’s website no longer lists Kendale Woods as one of its locations.
According to Park Authority spokesperson Ben Boxer, “To my knowledge, there is no tennis group seeking to provide tennis lessons.”
Related story: Conversion of pickleball courts put on hold
Public officials contacted by the pickleball players say eliminating pickleball from Kendale Woods is a Park Authority matter and declined to intercede.
Mason Supervisor Andres Jimenez wrote in an email: “Fairfax County boasts a vibrant pickleball community, yet faces the challenge of maintaining a balance between meeting the demand for pickleball courts and ensuring the well-being of residents in nearby neighborhoods.”
“It is the hope for the Park Authority to enhance, rather than disrupt, the quality of life in every community where our facilities are situated,” Jimenez said.
Jimenez also brought up the lack of dedicated parking at Kendale Woods Park. That doesn’t make sense to the pickleball players though, as that would apply to tennis, too.
McKay: “an unfortunate decision”
Board of Supervisors Chair Jeffrey McKay responded to an email from pickleball player Barbara Peters that the decision on Kendale Woods Park “is solely within the authority of the FCPA” and that the BoS delegates many responsibilities to the Park Authority through a Memorandum of Understanding.
With regard to the situation at Kendale Woods Park, McKay wrote, “This is a very unfortunate decision and one I do not agree with, especially given all we are doing as a county to expand pickleball opportunities for residents.”
After the courts were locked, pickleball player Sarah Wysocki wrote to McKay asking him to override Jai Cole’s decision. “Ms. Cole has proven from the start that she is unwilling to work in the community’s best interest,” Wysocki wrote.
Related story: Pickleball players fight pending court closure
Margery Gehan, a resident of Broyhill Crest who lives near Kendale Woods Park, wrote to McKay seeking a meeting or phone call to discuss a solution for retaining the pickleball courts.
Gehan faults the Park Authority for failing to reach out to the Broyhill Crest Community Association. Residents only learned about the Park Authority’s plan to remove pickleball when they read about it in Annandale Today.
“Pickleball keeps our community together,” Gehan wrote. “It’s a healthy and enjoyable outlet, and is an equitable sport that brings people together.”
Dads throughout the neighborhood upset that their meeting spot was unavailable on Father’s Day for no good reason. Why does FCPA have established guidelines if they aren’t going to follow them? Sad situation all around, stressful for the community, very wasteful on the part of FCPA, and for what end?
Jai Cole, the most qualified human for the position, for the win.
This makes no sense. It’s a bad decision everyone knows it’s a bad decision yet nobody is stopping it. Maybe Jai Cole went into this thinking this was the right thing to do but it seems like if she listened to the community she might realize she made decision not knowing the full story. Changing your mind when you get new information is an admiral thing and shows strong leadership and courage. It’s not too late to do the right thing.
This makes no sense! Someone said this was going to cost 100,000!!!!! Why on earth would park authority spend that kind of money to remove something that is used and improves the physical and mental health of the residents in the neighborhood? Who is in charge of park authority? As a tax paying resident this makes me so mad 😡
Whose bright idea is this? Have you taken a tour of parks in Fairfax? Why spend money to make parks worse not better. This is incredibly short sided and wasteful. Where is the accountability here?
Isn’t park authority supposed to make the quality of life better for its citizens not worse? Where is Jimenez? Y’all this is why local elections are important. Who’s standing up for the citizens of Annandale? What a wretched decision.
Every industry has established protocols to ensure proper checks and balances. Where is that here? Why does one person who doesn’t live in the neighborhood get to make decisions for those who do? Why do guidelines and protocols not apply in Annandale?
Oh good I was worried there was too much happiness in the community. I’m glad park authority is keeping it real and making sure opportunities for health and wellness are at a minimum. Spending money to remove an enjoyed community is just silly.
Good timing with the swim meet at the adjacent pool yesterday. This did not go unnoticed!!! Where’s the accountability for FCPA, I don’t pay taxes to make the community worse. This is prime time tennis season and all eyes are watching and hoping that someone rights this wrong. Open the damn courts and let the community play whatever sport they want.
Closing a pickleball court is like cancelling Taco Tuesday—totally unnecessary and a crime against happiness!
Vote them all out! Every last one of them! No more Jimenez, in with Lee!
The BoS can do very little when the Park Authority makes a decision!
This is a knee jerk reaction to one homeowners complaint. The correct thing to do would be to meet with the entire community and discuss options and compromises. For example no play before 8 or 9am, limited evening or weekend hours or research sound deadening blankets similar to those installed at Arlington courts.
Exactly. I don’t know what the pickleball policies are for FCPA, but they should include something about where parks are within the 250 feet distance from homes that they take additional measures to reduce noise to see if that fixes the issue before shutting pickleball down.
Our parks should be run directly by our local government, as they are in every other city and county in Virginia.
We’re very poorly served by the current arrangement.
The Park Authority should either be run by an elected board or be dissolved and have its functions taken over by one or more regular county departments.
Mike gets it right:
“Open the damn courts and let the community play whatever sport they want.”
Jimenez would be in over his head if he were flipping burgers.
Because the sport is gaining publicity and now they are new places open business, so now you pay for playing instead of been open to the public, figures in this economy.
This whole thing has been sneaky from the start. Making the decision with no input from community or the board, not following procedures, having a ‘community meeting’ and allowing 5 people to attend, sending workers at 6:30 in the morning to start removing these courts, leaving FCPA’s office unattended to avoid receiving papers, locking the courts in the middle of the night. The list just goes on and on. What is actually going on here? It’s so ridiculous, wasteful and seems to defy logic
This is shameful! The complaining neighbor shouldn’t have bought a house next to a tennis court if it hated the noise. Ridiculous! Shame on the Park Authority!
Like why though?
Now I can get back to playing tennis, about time.
No you can’t Jai Cole locked the courts and took away tennis nets. So nobody’s playing anything
I’m glad they shut it down. Pickleball players play for an hour or two per week. Nearby residents live with the constant pop-pop noise for 8 or 10 hours a day, seven days a week. Why don’t the makers of pickleball equipment figure it out — and make paddles and balls that don’t jar the nearby residents. That would solve the problem.
They should do the same for road noise. People who own homes on Columbia Pike shouldn’t have to deal with the sounds cars make. Why don’t that makers of cars figure it out- That would solve the problem.
Spam alert this person is unaware of these courts and doesn’t live in Annandale. 8 hours my ass, maybe in a week or two but not in a day.
They do make quieter equipment and the pickleball players in this neighborhood offered to supply a community box of paddles and balls that have a lower pitch and make less sound. Compromise was never on the table. Also, you obviously are not familiar with these courts they do not have lights are not in use anywhere close to 8-10 hours a day. Somedays they aren’t used at all. This is a neighborhood park that people walk to not a pickleball hotspot.
You are not from Annandale. You’re probably from SoCal and are somehow benefiting from this “decision” which is super weird.
Did you donate to Jimenez, by chance; if so, through which totally legit 501c3?
Are the stay-at-home spouses of the progressive rich and powerful in SoCal really this bored? Has the beach lost its luster? Too many homeless? Goodness!
This is the whole issue. Constant noise near residential areas. There are existing regulations restricting the distance from the courts to neighborhoods and they are being enforced in this case. Homeowners who object to the constant noise should not have a target put on their backs.
Are pickleball people, that do not fancy tennis, aware of badminton as a low-noise alternative?
It would be one thing if it was constant noise it isn’t.
Would this happen in McLean or a wealthier part of Fairfax? This is unbelievably outrageous. I’m with whoever said to vote all of them out office and take Jai Cole with them!!! What a waste and disservice to the neighborhood
Have you ever had to listen the whackety whack whack whack constantly day after day after day that pickle ball produces?
It’s similar to the jerk that uses a leaf blower for 7 straight hours on a beautiful weekend day. Only a moron would do that. Pickel ball enthusiasts should invent a new ball that isn’t so stupidly intrusive on peace and quiet.
It’s summer. Are your doors and windows open?
This is why we will be moving away from this county. The citizens here are planning to VOTE for candidates who support pickleball…pickleball? really? You will let an ecosystem turn to a swamp …as long as you can play your silly games…prob the same people who complain about deer eating their shrubs. You don’t deserve a park about we let kids play street hockey on your courts? Lawn darts? Motocross on your trails? Paintball?
There welcome to play hockey on the courts or whatever else they want. The park is for neighborhood and made to be used and enjoyed.
Pickleball players are a nuisance. If you like the sport so much, raise the money and build your own courts. The USTA has invested in tennis for years now the pickleball players want to ruin it for everyone!
People not from Annandale weighing in on this situation are nuisance. People have shared these courts for years upon years with no issues.
Wow, unbelievable just when you think you’ve heard it all. What is park authority thinking? This cannot be about a single complaint. If it is whomever decided to go ahead with the decision based on a singular complaint should be fired. The implications of basing decisions based on one person are scary. You know people walking their dogs by house are so annoying especially when they leave presents behind- let’s ban all dogs (except mine) from Fairfax. Come on FCPA and local officials stop the insanity!
My sister and her friends play at these courts it’s been such a great healthy outlet for them. Every time I’ve been by the courts it seems like the both players and non-players are entertained by pickleball. I cannot tell you the number of times I’ve seen everyone from very young toddlers to older people stop and chat with the players and watch the game for a few minutes while passing through. These courts have been a blessing to this neighborhood. Shame on whoever wants to take them away. With so many unhappy people in the world why add to that by going against the community’s wishes?
Voting has become a local folly for there is no representation or governance in our district or the County. It’s really just a s—t show.
Just listen to the loud speeding vehicles all day. And what does our government do, nothing but pic on pickleball because it’s an easy target….so explain to me why we need to vote?
Voting is an act of hope and perhaps if we get the right people in office our votes will actually count. Cole needs to be removed from this position it is just one example of her incompetence. There are so many smart capable people in this area that we shouldn’t tolerant incompetence in important positions.
The people commenting on this post should replace the current officials. What happened to elected officials serving the people, what about park authority making spaces for health and wellness. When did that change? Gosh this is a sad situation and everyone involved needs to be removed from their position. Why would park authority do such a thing, I really do not understand this world we are living in. I know the people in this community and they are good, reasonable, compromising people, why is park authority after them, this is a great injustice.
So Jai Cole and park authority are closing a park facility because people are using it? Ok that makes a lot of sense.
Fox5 DC did a nice piece on this courts here it is:
I think this story has gotten so much press because most people are genuinely confused about why the FCPA would take away these courts, it makes no sense, doesn’t follow protocol, and goes against everything the park authority claims to stand for, and the community has said loud and clear we want these courts. Every news station that has come out to get the scoop on what’s happening with these courts has left saying the same thing, “This is a great community, and we hope you get to keep your pickleball.”
Ok Ms. Cole, we can see how powerful you are. Now it’s time to unlock the courts and put this behind you. Let the community use the courts. What a jerk move but as someone said you picked a great time to lock the courts with a swim meet going on. People are waiting to see if you do what’s right.
Everyday at swim when I see the courts locked up it makes me so mad. There’s no reason for that. The pickleball players didn’t do anything to deserve that and neither did the tennis players. What is FCPA trying to prove and to whom?
If an injunction was filed. Isn’t locking the courts a violation?
Thank you, Jai Cole, for following suit with hundreds of cities around the United States that closed their pickleball courts due to the known noise nuisance they create. Thank you for standing up to the pressure of those who do not understand the impact of their game on the residents living nearby. Pickleball is a great game, but like racquetball, it is too noisy to be played in residential neighborhoods. USA Pickleball, the governing body for the game, says they should be called before breaking grounds. I hope your community gets to be whole again. Pickleball has a way of dividing communities and creating havoc wherever it is constructed in an inappropriate locations. May I suggest you to be proactive and amend your noise ordinance to include the impulsive nature of the game of pickleball so that no one has to be harmed again? Colorado, Utah are the pioneers for protecting their citizens against impulsive noise such as pickleball. Good luck and God speed!
Oh god not the queen troll herself. Stick with Cali. We know they don’t like you there either but at least it’s where you live. I would be embarrassed if I were Jai Cole and had you as my biggest cheerleader 🤮
Dumb. I’m a tennis player and can’t play tennis. Why is that?
Take lessons your game will improve
You can’t play because Ms. Cole flexing her power. Just to spite the pickleballers we will close the courts to everyone
By golly this woman sucks so bad. All of Annandale is glad you don’t live here. What a miserable life you must live. Why do some people suck so bad? Karma has to be the answer there’s no other explanation.
Jai Cole’s buddy is back!! Hey do you have some charts on noise we can see. Your made up information is incredible. God broke the mold with you. Wow my online group has less than 800 people with over 400 of them being pickleball players wondering why Ms. Cali cares about their pickleball courts so much. Thankfully hate groups aren’t wanted in Annandale.
Ugh not this lady again. Go away we don’t like you and your lies aren’t wanted here. Ummmmm according to my charts I suck
Did the pickelball paddle that you stick up your butt run out of power. Running out of power while you are flying around dispensing your vitriol could be a problem. And so you landed in Annandale?
Here is a tip; there are EV charging stations at Barcroft Plaza. Go charge up your paddle butt and get the hell out of town before someone drops a million pickleballs on your head!
This wretched witch doesn’t understand these courts and that the people who live near them aren’t miserable human beings like she is. Most normal humans aren’t bothered by pickleball. A small very abnormal, very unhappy, very miserable group of individuals is leading this charge against pickleball. Stay in Cali! 3000 miles apparently isn’t enough space between us and your wretchedness. Glad you like Jai Cole maybe she can get a job in Cali. Thank god you aren’t our neighbor.
It’s a very sad thing to hear about this problem with Pickleball when we are all enjoying the social and learning abilities for those of us who have gotten a little older. Shame on that one resident why don’t they come up with a barrier to help modify the sound around the court that would definitely help the problem. I am a professional in this area but live in Idaho, but please take my advice and pursue what you’re doing a friend W, Idaho
Play should be stopped until the sound and mitigation techniques are studied, not the other way around.
That’s not what is happening here. Ms. Cole is punishing the whole community- we will show you who’s boss.
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Hey cheesesteak delete your cookies
This is the best comment in this thread. You win