Pavilion planned for Green Spring Gardens

The Fairfax County Park Authority is planning to construct a pavilion at Green Spring Gardens for outdoor educational programming.
There will be a community meeting on the project on Feb. 6, 2-4 p.m., in the Horticultural Center’s library. Residents can also share their views online here.

The pavilion is a key component of the revised master plan approved for Green Spring Gardens. It would be ADA-compliant and would have a 30-by-35-foot split-roof design with gutters and downspouts for rainwater harvesting.
This project is a partnership between the Park Authority and the Friends of Green Spring (FROGS).
Related story: Moon gate installed at Green Spring Gardens
Planting another big monstrosity right in the middle of the walking path t9 the woods. You can bet it will soon be overtaken by noisy kids’ birthday parties.
Make it solar powered!
We should make it solar powered
What a monstrosity! It looks like an alien space ship has landed in our tranquil park.
And based on the photo, it appears that it will block the path down the slope to the bridge.
I wonder how much this will cost and how will construction equipment get to the site?
It looks out of place in that area and will definitely be in the way of those who walk down to the pond following the path in that area. GSG should be more about the beauty of nature and not large pavilions plopped down in the middle of a beautiful area. If they build a pavilion, it should be in an area of the park that would accommodate it better, and not be quite so large and unsightly.
If they want to build something, they could build another gazebo, in a more appropriate spot, surrounding by various types of plants.
I hope everyone here will take advantage of the meeting on Jan. 8 (if they’re able to attend) and the link to the comments page.
It would be nice if they got the homeless and their bathing products out of the creek by the bridge… just down the hill from where they want put the spaceship. Shampoo bottles, underwear hanging on trees… it’s not great. They’ll be back when the weather warms up.