Pedestrian killed on Route 50

UPDATED Dec. 5: There’s been another pedestrian fatality in Mason District. The Fairfax County Police Department reports MD Kamrul Hassan, 66, of Falls Church was struck on Arlington Boulevard at Allen Street in Falls Church at 7:36 p.m. on Dec. 4.
He was taken to the hospital and pronounced deceased.
Preliminarily, detectives determined that Hassan was attempting to cross Arlington Boulevard from the north side of the road to the south against the pedestrian crossing.
A 2010 Toyota Prius was traveling eastbound on Arlington Boulevard. The driver proceeded through the intersection at Allen Street with a green light and struck Hassan. The driver remained on the scene.
Preliminarily, speed and alcohol do not appear to be factors for the driver in the crash.
The FCPD is seeking witnesses. Anyone with information should call the Crash Reconstruction Unit at 703-280-0543.
This is the third pedestrian-related fatal crash in Mason District since Oct. 1 and the 20th in Fairfax County in 2022.
Drivers need to be less distracted and more alert, but pedestrians need to do their part by wearing something that makes them visible (e.g., not all black at night), using crosswalks and going with the walk symbols, not darting out into traffic. Everyone needs to slow down and be in the moment, not just on the roads, but in all of life.
This is terrible. All these Route 50 intersections, where so many must cross on foot, are so dangerous.
Some time ago I wrote VDOT asking them to consider ‘no right turn on red’ at Graham Rd from route 50 west bound, just as some small measure to make that intersection a bit safer, for the so many people who need to cross, to buy something at the grocery store….people with kids,strollers.
The reply was, that would cause too much traffic to back up on route 50. Coincidentally, not too long after I received that reply, a walker was killed at that intersection, and I don’t think it was because of the right turn on red, but, that intersection is crazy dangerous for walkers. If you haven’t walked across it, give it a try. Route 50 and Allen Street also extremely dangerous, I’ve walked that one as well.
How many bodies is it going to take before we finally accord the walker the same regard we give the driver, on our public streets? No limit? Make the major intersections safe for the walkers!! Have all red lights to car traffic, no turn on red, while the walk sign blinks ‘walk’ for a pedestrian who has pushed a button.
Why do we want to discourage people from walking?
If you are turning right on Red then pedestrians can’t cross anyway. Manchester gets backed up all the way to 5th Street now because of the no right on Red and it does nothing because pedestrians cross when the light is green. Further, when the left/right turn from 50 light is green, cars should get a right turn light to 50 but currently just have to sit there. VDOT fail.
We need speed cameras and we need these now. Until then, we should hold VDOT liable and complicit for these horrible and tragic pedestrian deaths.
lol please government, save us from ourselves
Pedestrians need to stop crossing this road in the dark, wearing dark cloths and paying zero attention to what is going on around them.
Plenty of traffic lights every 100ft on this section of 50, not reason to cross anywhere without a light.
Sorry for this person’s life, but you know what they say:
Play stupid games – win stupid prizes.
Well said. When I see a pedestrian actually LOOK before crossing, I’m awestruck. 90% of them walk right out in the street without looking at all.
I’ve been saying to my husband for years that I can’t fathom how they live to be so old. Another applicable saying: you can’t fix stupid.
Drivers will sometimes stop if:
1) It’s daytime.
2) You are crossing in the actual crosswalk.
3) You are intentional about using it (the drivers can clearly see forward motion on your part).