Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Pickleball players plan legal action

Workers hired by the Park Authority paint over the pickleball lines at Kendale Woods Park on June 25.

If you thought the Kendale Woods pickleball conflict was over when the Park Authority relined the courts for tennis only, think again.

The Broyhill Crest pickleball players are still fighting for the chance to play the sport at their neighborhood courts.

They are in the process of hiring legal counsel to help them advance their argument that the Park Authority didn’t follow its own guidelines and policies when it banned pickleball from Kendale Woods Park.

“This seems like it should be simple enough to answer, yet nobody can provide any insight into this,” wrote pickleball player Sarah Wysocki on the group’s petition.

Related story: Park Authority removes pickleball from Annandale park

Wysocki wants answers to these questions, too: “Why was taking something of value away from the community such a high priority for FCPA? When is it okay to go against the wishes of an entire community because of one person? Is it okay for someone who has publicly stated that making one person listen to pickleball noise is unethical to be running FCPA?”

“A one-person stance on anything is dangerous and a mighty slippery slope and certainly shouldn’t be dictating decisions for communities,” she says.

Mason Supervisor Andres Jimenez scheduled a meeting with the pickleball players on July 18 at 1:30 p.m.

That’s after Jimenez agreed verbally on July 4 to meet with the group, then sent an email on July 8 stating “The Park Authority is a separate legal entity governed by its own board that sets policies and makes decisions about park operations. Because of the Park Authority’s oversight here as well as the pending litigation, I’m unable to arrange a meeting.” 

Then, as the pickleball controversy got reported in multiple news outlets, including the London-based Daily Mail, Jimenez apparently changed his mind.

His staff sent an email to the pickleball players inviting them to his office on Thursday. “The Supervisor hopes we can schedule a meeting sooner rather than later given the importance of the matter and it being a priority of his,” the message states.

Wysocki notes that the media coverage has gotten a lot of things wrong. “There seems to be a desire to turn our court battle into a tennis vs. pickleball squabble, which has never been the case,” she says.

Related story: London-based tabloid picks up story on Annandale pickleball conflict

Many media outlets also reported that there have been multiple noise complaints. “That is inaccurate,” she says. One noise complaint was filed in 2022, “and that was enough for FCPA to bypass all guidelines and established policies and work at Mach speed to convert our shared use space to tennis only.” 

The Park Authority relined the Kendale Woods courts for pickleball before it established guidelines recommending pickleball courts to be at least 250 feet from homes.

The Kendale Woods courts might not be the only ones that could be converted to tennis only.

An FCPA presentation to the Park Authority Board in February on “Sport Court Updates” says there are 17 parks in the county that have pickleball courts less than 250 feet from residents. That includes Roundtree, Spring Lane, and Lillian Carey in Mason District, as well as Kendale Woods Park.

That report recommends new pickleball courts be located at least 250 away from residential properties, or 200 feet if there is a buffer with trees or a significant change in topography.

“Existing pickleball that is within 250 feet from residential properties shall remain, provided there are no noise complaints,” the report recommends. “Should there be noise complaints, sound mitigation measures should be considered or the pickleball moved to a more appropriate park.”

25 responses to “Pickleball players plan legal action

  1. This is great news. I don’t play pickleball or tennis. I do pay taxes, and appreciate that this blog is keeping a tally of who did and said what, when.

    I also appreciate the pickleball players who are rightfully insisting that we follow the rules/established procedures for decisions that have a real impact on quality of life for our residents who want a healthy way to socialize and stay in shape.

    This incident is exposing our elected and appointed representatives for who they are — despotic and self-righteous (Cole) and empty suits (Jimenez). This is important for voting and personnel decisions.

    1. The Parks director told the board that a similar situation had arisen in Vienna, resulting in Vienna removing pickleball courts, but I believe this is FALSE. There were noise and parking complaints at dual use courts, resulting in RESTRICTED HOURS for pickleball, not prohibiting pickleball entirely.

  2. The Park Authority relined the Kendale Woods courts for pickleball before it established guidelines recommending pickleball courts to be at least 250 feet from homes.

    Please note – Pickleball was played here before these guidelines. Pickleball was played here after. The FCPA, after these guidelines were approved, and after they allegedly received a complaint, still moved forward and relined and resurfaced the courts last year. Even though their study would have suggested to not do this. They could have followed through on their planning rules, have a community meeting, talk mitigation, etc, then. But they did not, the community, not just players were grateful for the updated courts.

    You can’t do that, then just reverse course and expect everything to be silent. You need to follow your own set of rules and guidelines and be accountable when you don’t.

  3. Pickleball courts have to be 250 feet from homes but data centers can be 200 feet from homes. That’s crazy!

    1. Courts that are under utilized are a sad use of recreational funding. The goal is to provide a popular use for a space to be enjoyed by as many taxpayers or their families as possible.

  4. Keep up the good fight Kendale Woods! Parks are the community and should be in use. I hope they get their courts back soon.

  5. I have a couple of thoughts on this:
    1. This seems like a mater of principle at this point. I think it is awesome that the community is putting up a fight for what is right. I don’t think it will be reversed at this point though
    2. Legal counsel is expensive. It seems like the community could use that money to create their own private courts?
    3. Hypothtically, all you need is a hard surface to play. I don’t think that they can legally stop them from getting a kit like this ( and continuing to play pickleball on the same courts. If I were them, I would simply keep playing pickleball with this kit. It would annoy the one neighbor who complained
    3. Lastly, SHRA had this issue and they simply created pickleball hours. Maybe they can just play during certain hours. Compromise is key. It seems like it was silly of the county to spend the time and money to do this when it wont change anything if they take my idea above

    1. The community has asked for compromise from the start of this issue, FCPA won’t compromise. The leadership of FCPA is horrid and the structure of FCPA needs to be seriously evaluated. Right now you have an idiot running the show in park authority and nobody holding her accountable. If anything comes from this it might be a restructuring of FCPA and getting Cole out of there, she’s awful.

  6. Who elected Jai Cole to be the director of FCPA? Did they interview her beforehand? She’s not qualified for the position and needs to be removed. I have yet to meet someone with firsthand experience of Cole who has anything positive to say. I hope her power move is making her happy because it certainly isn’t winning her any points with anyone else.

    1. Ditto. I would also point our Ron Kendall and Andres Jiminez have done nothing. Kendall has been 1000% silent. Jiminez just copy and pasted same response to everyone including someone who inquired who said nothing about pickleball but instead complained about park use for a a very different reason. Very disrespectful to not read the message and respond properly.

  7. Went past the pickleball courts today and there were tennis players blasting music and another with a SUPER noisy tennis machine. You never had that with pickleball players. The guy playing tennis was so loud he was Cole sized and without a shirt on 😱
    Way to create issues. Give the actual people who live in Kendale woods their courts back!!!

    1. Sorry your sister is bothering you, siblings can be hard. I hope she’s not stealing your clothes without asking. Perhaps a pickle will help. Maybe a nice large gherkin will make her happier.

  8. Cole took something away from the community so people who don’t live here can take over. The pickleball players walk to these courts the one or two people who play tennis are NOT from the neighborhood. Jimenez will be hearing about this because it’s our community and it’s an issue and he handles community issues.

  9. The FCPA can’t or won’t enforce its own policy on noise generated by amplified music. The rule is no amplifiers are allowed. Mason District park is a prime example. It’s surrounded by dense population. On weekends various groups play amplified music that can be heard with the widows closed. You can’t complain on weekends because the FCPA is closed.

    1. Don’t complain to FCPA call the police non emergency number for a noise violation that’s what it’s for.

  10. The person who made the noise complaint said she “doesn’t want people making noise in her backyard”. This is the heart of the problem and why everyone should be concerned. Public parks are not ‘your backyard’. They are public spaces for everyone to use and enjoy. If you buy property abutting a public park you inherently should expect people to use and enjoy that space.

  11. I want to meet the two hucksters who made up pickle ball and did such an effective job of convincing millions that it was their right and the government’s duty. Pickle ball was one of the greatest cons ever! It show just how impressionable Americans have become in my lifetime.

    1. I would like to spice up the pickle ball players experience by dodging lawn darts – mixing two great sports –

    2. This makes no sense. How is pickleball a con? It’s like saying millions of people need to open their eyes and see how ridiculous soccer is. Today’s youth seems to be particularly impressionable seeing how the game has grown in popularity.
      Using public spaces that are paid for by tax payers living in the area is the community’s right. It is the government’s duty to ensure that tax dollars are being used to serve the people. Kudos to the inventors of pickleball for convincing so many people it’s a fun game to play.

  12. I have met a LOT of great people in my Pickle Ball Class!!! Keep the Pickle Ball Courts coming in!!!!! 🥒🎾🥒🎾🥒🎾🥒🎾🥒🎾🥒🎾

  13. Another white-privilege activity was brought to us from the West Coast. They will take this to the Supreme Court, and if they don’t like the answer, they will replace the Court. Watch a p-ball game for ten minutes, and experience for yourself the ping noises causing unbearable headaches. Convert these courts to futsal – a much quieter sport, playable by all, in great need of courts. But you can’t, because that’s played by people of color who will not sue when they don’t like the county’s decision.

  14. Pickleball was bringing the community together in a fun, healthy and sustainable way! That is invaluable. Living by a park, playground, pool, and recreation center implies there will be noise. Swim teams are loud too, are they next on the chopping block? I decided not to live next to an elementary school because kids scream, I didn’t try to get rid of the school.

    Compromise is key in a community.

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