Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Pinecrest Golf Center gets new golf simulator

Pinecrest has a new golf simulator. [Fairfax County Park Authority]

The Pinecrest Golf Center, at 6600 Little River Turnpike on
the eastern edge of Annandale, has a newly renovated indoor training facility
known as the Valis Family Golf Learning Center. The center is named for Bailey’s
Crossroads residents Wayne and Angela Valis, who contributed $25,000 for a new
TrackMan4 Golf Simulator.

Valis family has a strong connection to this course and a history of generosity
in terms of donations and volunteer service over many years,” says Roberta
Longworth, executive director of the Fairfax County Park Foundation.
“We are so pleased with this latest example of giving back to the community.”

New indoor practice bays.

The updated golf center also has three new indoor practice bays, improved
lighting, more natural light via skylights and windows, and more space for
private golf parties. The nine-hole golf course is par 35, and there is an
outdoor practice area with nets.

The Park Authority is having a ribbon-cutting ceremony for
the Valis Family Golf Learning Center on Sept. 15, 11:30 a.m. To RSVP, contact
703-324-8702 or [email protected] by Sept. 10.
Fairfax County’s golf programs, including those at
the Pinecrest Golf Course in Annandale, will be showcased at the Taste of Annandale.
The Fairfax County Park Authority is a Silver-level sponsor
of the Oct. 13 street festival, and Roberta Korzen, the Park Authority’s golf
marketing specialist, is bringing a portable putting green, giveaways, and
information about fun things to do on the golf courses.
Fairfax County’s golf courses have something for everyone,
Korzen says, including new programs and events for women, beginning golfers,
and youths.
Pinecrest is the only one that offers footgolf, a
newish sport played on a golf course with a soccer ball. The Pinecrest Golf Course the first
one in Fairfax County certified by the American FootGolf League.

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