Planning Commission endorses affordable housing in Seven Corners

The Fairfax County Planning Commission approved a Comprehensive Plan amendment March 23 that would allow First Christian Church on Leesburg Pike in Seven Corners to develop 113 affordable, age-restricted, multifamily housing units.
At a Planning Commission hearing last week, several residents of the Ravenwood Park neighborhood spoke about severe flooding during storms and expressed fears that adding more impervious surfaces on the church property would make things worse.
In response to those concerns, flood mitigation studies are being conducted.
An overland study underway by the county and Virginia Department of Transportation will be completed this spring. The county and VDOT are also carrying out a watershed study to be completed by the end of the year.
In addition, the county will conduct a neighborhood pilot study in Ravenwood Park to look at solutions and costs of flood mitigation strategies, such as increasing pipe capacity.
Related story: Planning Commission defers decision on affordable housing
Other concerns brought up at the hearing – involving parking and tree preservation – will be addressed in more detail when the Planning Commission considers First Christian’s application for a zoning special exception.
The Planning Commission, however, added language to the Comprehensive Plan amendment to:
• ensure the existing mature tree canopy is preserved to the maximum extent possible;
• require the site design to facilitate ease of access to bus service and sidewalks on Leesburg Pike; and
• evaluate parking needs with the goal of reducing impervious surfaces.
The four-story multifamily building will be developed by Wesley Housing. It will include a permanent space for the Culmore Clinic.
The Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing on the proposed plan amendment April 12.
Too many developers pay a fine rather than create the required affordable housing units, so this should truly result in actual affordable housing, which is almost impossible to find now. It would be great if this development would be as green as possible, but I won’t hold my breath.
The developer of the project will be Wesley Housing which develops and manages affordable housing communities. This is not a market rate project with a few affordable units.
We look forward to our continued engagement with the community.
Yay more crime!
Mr. Greis,
As the minister of First Christian Church, we are pleased that the comprehensive plan amendment has been sent to the Board of Supervisors.
This project is for independent senior affordable housing and I can’t imagine the crime rate will increase.
We look forward to working with the community as we move forward and I welcome you to engage in this much needed opportunity for the residents of our community.
Affordable senior housing =/= crime wave, usually.
Crime requires a perpetrator and a victim. Those old folks units are going right across from crime ridden apartments. Like throwing chum in shark infested waters. Mark my words, you will have higher crime.
The site near the church is not “right across from crime ridden apartments.” It’s not at Culmore. Learn how to read a map!
“Senior and assisted living apartments appear to increase the vulnerability of properties within
1000 feet to property crime. ”
Yeah… all of those senior citizens are going to come running after you to snatch your bigotry… er wallet?
They don’t need to pave parking areas with asphalt. There are a number of pervious paving options that can help reduce runoff issues. See for some of them.
I’m thrilled this church is creating affordable housing for seniors in my neighborhood. I wish all churches looked out for the most vulnerable in communities like this. Thank you!
Great addition to the community! This church has been working hard for the area for a long time! More stories of people doing good please!