Planning Commission approves substation expansion

The Fairfax County Planning Commission on Dec. 4 approved the expansion and modernization of the Westcott Substation along the Holmes Run trail in Annandale.
The project, located at 3474 Rose Lane, is a public facility so it goes through a 2232 review process. That means it isn’t subject to a public hearing or approval by the Board of Supervisors.
According to the statement of justification submitted by Dominion Energy, the expansion is needed to manage additional energy demand, such as electric vehicle charging and storage of surplus energy generated by solar power cells.
The facility serves over 3,000 customers.
The current substation, approved in 1950, is enclosed within a 6,853-square-foot fenced compound on a 1.6-acre site. Dominion proposed expanding the fenced-in area to 10,843 square feet.
The expansion is needed to install new equipment, including a 35-foot tall, 1,125-square-foot switchgear utility building, two replacement transformers on a 150-square-foot foundation pad, and two static poles.
Dominion says the facility will be upgraded for compliance with current safety, security, and weather resistance standards.
There won’t be a disruption in service, because the old equipment won’t be removed until the new equipment is in place.
Dominion’s representative told the Planning Commission the company intends to retain as much vegetation as possible on the site and will add stormwater measures to control runoff.
I’m all for upgrading our critical infrastructure