Prepare for deep freeze tonight
Looks like we’re in for some severe weather: The National Weather Service is predicting high winds tonight with a low temperature of about 7 degrees and a wind chill values as low as 11 degrees below zero. There will be more of the same tomorrow, with a high near 15 degrees, wind gusts as high as 28 mph, and wind chill values dipping to minus 12 degrees.
Here are some tips for dealing with the extreme cold weather from the Fairfax County emergency blog:
- If you don’t have heat or electricity, visit one of the county’s designated “warming centers,” including libraries, community centers, and the Fairfax County Government Center.
- If you see someone outside who appears to be homeless or in need of shelter, call the county’s emergency shelters and hypothermia program, 703-691-2131.
- Dress your children and yourself in lots of layers if you have to be outside.
- Do not leave pets outside. The Fairfax County animal shelter is offering temporary emergency housing for cats, dogs, and other pets. Contact the shelter for more information, 703-324-0208 or [email protected]. Click here for more safety tips for pets in cold weather.
- Prevent the pipes in your house from bursting by turning off the water line to outside faucets. Click here for more information on dealing with water pipes in freezing weather. If you suspect you have a frozen water meter, call Fairfax Water, 703-698-5800 (or 703-698-5613 after hours).
- Fill up your car gas tanks. There’s less of a chance of gas lines freezing.
- If you plan to use alternative heating sources, such as fireplaces or portable heaters, review these safety tips for the safety of your family.