Prepare for winter weather

We could be in for the first winter weather of the season, as the National Weather Service is predicting freezing rain in Northern Virginia between 1 a.m. and 1 p.m. on Dec. 15.
The wintry precipitation is expected to become more intense Thursday morning. Warmer air should arrive in the afternoon changing the precipitation to rain.
Metro advises bus riders of potential delays tomorrow, depending on the severity of the freezing rain. Detours are possible on certain routes to keep buses off steep hills and narrow roadways. See the Metrobus light snow plan for more information.
Metrorail is expected to operate on a normal weekday schedule.
The Virginia Department of Transportation encourages residents to check road conditions and limit driving if roads are icy.
Report hazardous road conditions to VDOT online or call VDOT’s Customer Service Center at 1-800-367-7623. Road conditions can be tracked here.
Visit Dominion online to report a power outage or call 1-866-366-4357.
Visit FCPS’s weather page for information on school cancelation procedures.