Property owners can now register security cameras with the police

The Fairfax County Police Department is launching Connect Fairfax, a new program aimed at improving public safety by allowing participants to register their security cameras.
Connect Fairfax allows residents and commercial property owners to register their security cameras with the FCPD’s Real Time Crime Center via an online portal.
Law enforcement can quickly use this information to reference a map of relevant cameras that may contain actionable evidence that can be reviewed by detectives.
Registering your camera with Connect Fairfax does not grant FCPD access to your footage. What it does do is enable investigators to know a camera is present at your location.
If there is a crime or suspicious activity in your area, FCPD may contact you to see if your camera contains relevant footage. The footage collected could be used to solve crimes, locate missing people, or be used for other law-enforcement investigations.
After registering your camera, property owners can choose to integrate their security system directly with FCPD. This allows the police to access live footage from your camera during emergencies, criminal investigations, or incidents of suspicious activity nearby.
To register and integrate your camera, click here.
To share your surveillance footage, you will need to purchase a small fususCORE device that plugs into your camera system. Once it’s set up, it enables camera sharing based on your settings without impacting your network.
Beware of Big Brother.