Proposal calls for a new TD Bank at Pinecrest Plaza
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The Exxon station at Pinecrest Plaza. |
There are plans to replace the Pinecrest Service Center and Exxon station on Little River Turnpike and Braddock Road with a TD Bank. The Mason District Land Use Committee heard a presentation on the proposal July 23 and will consider it again Sept. 24.
TD bank is seeking a special exception to permit a financial institute on that site, which is zoned C-5. The property doesn’t need to be rezoned. The bank would be a two-story, 2,545-square foot building. The bank would lease the property, and lease terms are confidential, said Lori Murphy, a land use attorney with Bean Kinney & Korman, which is representing the bank.
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It would be great if the mural on the Pinecrest Exxon station could be saved. |
Because the bank includes drive-through lanes, the proposed use is not by-right, Murphy said. That means there will be a county review process, including two public hearings.
The Fairfax County Planning Commission has scheduled a hearing on the proposal Oct. 10. A report by the planning staff will be published two weeks before the hearing date. “We aren’t aware of anything controversial at this point, but you never know,” said St. Clair Williams, staff coordinator in the Department of Planning and Zoning.
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The proposed design of the TD Bank. |
On the one hand, the LAST thing we need are more bank branches (that close at 5 and on weekends). On the other hand, the LAST thing we need are more gas stations… and that one's too expensive anyway.
They just added a TD bank a few miles down the road in Annandale two years ago. There is also another branch a few miles in the other direction in Alexandria.
NOOOO! We don't need another bank. A corner gas station that can be walked to or where we can get gas and sundries is much more needed than another TD Bank. The one in downtown Annandale is close enough. Believe it or not, we'd rather have a drug store!
Really does not matter what you WANT, it is what people will support. Dont blame the bank, just like Walgreens they did their research and found people DID want a bank there, because they are not stupid and a survey said it would thrive.
I don't want a bank there either, but it's called r-e-d-e-v-l-o-p-m-e-n-t and it pays taxes which benefit us all on both land AND revenue. You can say you'd rather see something else, but don't blame the NEW business – the old one obviously could not cut it. It is the American way.
This is not what the area needs. The gas station is more of a benefit than a bank. Annandale is full of banks and drug stores.
Would be sad to see this service station go – we have gotten our inspections done there for a long time. Always quick to do the needed service and very friendly. Annandale does NOT need another bank, especially when there are two TD Banks already so close by. This makes zero sense and I can't see how another branch of an already existing bank in the community would survive in such close proximity to the other one.
I'm all for redevelopment, as long as it isn't redundant.
Darn, was really hoping for a new title loan joint or how about a town center with residential and retail mixed 🙂
Please take a basic economics course. What makes sense is who can make a buck there. If this bank is here two years from now and prosperous you will be wrong. if it is not, you will be right, but the other TD Bank is still there despite people saying we didn't need that either. Who knows, maybe Annandale due to its central location has found its niche as a banking center?
Have you ever seen two 7-11s or McDonalds in close proximity? How about Exxon stations? There multi-billion dollar companies run by smart people who know what they are doing…TD too must have researched this location and found it suitable. This is America and capital drives redevelopment, not pie in the sky wishful thinking. I'd like a Walmart and Bass Pro Shop in Annandale while we're dreaming – but apparently it makes no economic sense. This place ripped off my sister years ago when visiting from out of town and she needed to get something fixed and they were the only ones open, so I'm not shedding any tears.
The above commenters who take the view, If a big bank company is doing it, it must be a smart thing to do, are just laughable. Have you already forgotten the collapse of 2008? Banks are not run by infallible semidivine geniuses, my friend, far from it…
But capitalism pretty much does determine the winners…ever heard of Ford, Edison, Bill Gates etc? Those with the best ideas win. If a business sets up shop – banks or anyone – they do so with inherent risk…this is the nature and foundation of our society – capitalism. Nobody is saying the company will make it work, but they DO have every right to try, and you unless you can get a zoning ruling against them should pipe down or move to North Korea where the government will gladly control what goes where. I guess you hate Walgreens and the other businesses moving into town to provide taxes and jobs? Open your eyes fool, "the man" isn't behind this move…it is just a company making a business decision.
So long as the signs are written in English. The area is too much like Asia.
So lets look at this from another point of view: Its ok to force people out of a job just because some study told TD they might do ok having another location.
Nobody is forcing anyone to do anything. The owner of the property is selling with his own free will and the bank is buying. What an idiotic comment!