Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Rare bird spotted at Green Spring Gardens

The Rufous hummingbird at Green Spring Gardens. [Darren Hutchinson]

Birdwatchers have been flocking to Green Spring Gardens in recent weeks to catch a glimpse of a Rufous hummingbird, which is rarely seen in this area. 

This species is usually found in the western U.S. They spend the winter as far south as Mexico and migrate along the West Coast to breeding grounds as far north as Alaska. 

A bird bander credentialed by the U.S. Geological Survey has confirmed that the bird spotted at Green Spring Gardens is indeed a female Rufous hummingbird with five colorful gorget (throat) feathers. 

At the banding on Jan. 13, the bird bander found the tiny bird had a wing length of 43.69 millimeters and a tail length of 27 millimeters, the Fairfax County Park Authority reports. It weighed just 3.4 grams, which is equivalent to three-and-a-half paper clips. 

It’s unusual to see any hummingbird in Northern Virginia this time of year. Park staff will continue to provide nectar feeders throughout the winter. They expect the bird will remain at Green Spring for the remainder of the winter.

Anyone who wants to see the Rufous hummingbird is advised to keep their distance so they don’t scare away this rare visitor. 

One response to “Rare bird spotted at Green Spring Gardens

  1. She's so beautiful! I wonder what she's doing here and why she's not with her flock. I guess she's a nonconformist. Hope she'll be okay. That's nice that the park staff will provide nectar feeders for her throughout the winter.

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