Registration open for Rec-PAC summer program for elementary school-age kids

If you’re wondering what your kids are going to do all summer, you might want to check out Rec-PAC, a fun six-week program operated by the Fairfax County Park Authority for kids who are entering the first through seventh grades this fall.
Rec-PAC takes place at 50 Fairfax County public schools, including several in Annandale or nearby: Annandale Terrace, Bailey’s, Graham Road, Parklawn, Sleepy Hollow, and Weyanoke.
The program runs July 5-Aug. 11. You can sign up for one week at a time or the whole six-week program.
Rec-PAC incorporates fitness and healthy nutrition into fun activities. Each week has a theme: July 5-8 – Futuristic Fun; July 11-15 – Sports Extravaganza; July 18-22 – The Mighty Jungle; July 25-29 – Wonder World; Aug. 1-5 – Hawaiian Hula; and Aug. 8-11- Rec-PAC Gives Back.
The only downside: The program runs from 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m., making it difficult for parents who have to work later in the afternoon.
There is a sliding-scale fee based on income: $99 a week for households with annual incomes of $75,000 or more, $88 for families with $40,000-$74,999, $65 for families in the $28,000-$39,999 bracket, and $30 for families with incomes below $28,000.
There is an $8 discount per week if you register by June 10. You can register by mail, online, or by phone, 703/222-4664. Click here for the registration packet.