Residents blast DMV for relocating facility to Barcroft Plaza
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Among DMV officials at a community meeting at Belvedere Elementary School were (left to right): Facilities Director Justin Thomas, Deputy Commissioner David Mitchell, and Special Advisor to the Commissioner Matt Wells. |
meeting Dec. 3 hosted by the Mason District Council about a Department of Motor Vehicles customer service center under construction at Barcroft Plaza.
DMV on Four Mile Run in Arlington. While the new facility is a done deal at
this point, local residents urged DMV and VDOT officials to address issues
around parking, traffic, and egress at Barcroft Plaza.
More than 100 people came to the meeting, and many were skeptical
about DMV’s insistence that there will be enough parking spaces. Other concerns
centered around the potential for more traffic congestion, more pedestrian
accidents, and the difficulty of accessing Harris Teeter and the other stores.
attitude,” as one resident put it – in failing to consult residents and public
none of the General Assembly members from this area nor county officials were
informed about the new DMV.
for the lack of notification, acknowledging, “we dropped the ball. If I
realized the concern, I would have communicated earlier.”
Wells told the audience many of their concerns won’t
materialize because another, smaller DMV will open in April 2016 in
Ballston near the Virginia Square Metro station, which will draw some of the
customers who now go to the Four Mile Run DMV. That new facility, however,
won’t be a full-service DMV and won’t have dedicated parking due to its
proximity to transit.
former Northern Virginia Training Center on Braddock Road in Fairfax, he said.
the needs of the DMV and existing businesses. He said the Four Mile Run center
has an average of 534 customers a day and an average of 57 per hour.
VDOT officials had not come to the shopping center on a Saturday, when the lot
tends to be full, and one resident called that “insulting.” Wells promised to
visit on a Saturday.
state agencies, including the DMV, are permitted by right in all zoning
districts. That means there is no requirement for public notification or a
public hearing. She also said the number of projected parking spaces fall
within the county’s zoning requirements for a facility of that type.
usually have more concerns about DMVs leaving a community than opening in a new
Run area, has scheduled a town hall meeting for Dec. 6 (2 p.m. at the Walter Reed
Community Center in Arlington) to address the concerns of his constituents who
don’t want their DMV to close.
Mile Run property was planning to redevelop the site, and when the DMV’s lease
expired in 2013, the owner gave the DMV
a three-year extension with a 50 percent increase in rent.
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Left to right: Del. Kaye Kory; Lauren Mollerup of VDOT, Paul Kraucunas of VDOT, Fairfax County Zoning Administrator Leslie Johnson, Federal Realty Investment Trust Vice President Jarett Parker, and Lauren Abernathy, property manager, Federal Realty. |
the owner of Barcroft Plaza, in October for $337,000 a year, which is far less
than the $450,000 DMV was paying for the Arlington site.
fell through, but Karl Saimre, real
estate asset manager with the Virginia Department of General Services, said the
new lease can’t be broken. In response to requests from local residents to
reconsider the move, Wells said, “it would be unfair to our partners at Federal
Realty to break the contract and back out now.”
The 12,000-square foot space in Barcroft Plaza will have 20
customer service windows, three information stations, and two testing stations
and will have an improved layout that should result in shorter wait times,
Wells said. It will be open 8 a.m.-5 p.m. on weekdays and 8 a.m.-noon on
People who live near the shopping center expressed concerns
about the difficulty of accessing Columbia Pike and Lincolnia Road from the
parking lot, overflow parking on their streets, and road tests through their
Wells responded. “That’s our commitment to you.” He wouldn’t say where the road
tests would be, however, and the shopping center is completely surrounded by
traffic,” said Paul Kraucunas, land development program manager at VDOT. An
additional traffic light at the exit onto the north end of Columbia Pike isn’t
feasible because it’s too close to the light at Lincolnia Road. He said VDOT
doesn’t require a traffic study for by-right projects.
to improve traffic flow within the parking lot.
Several people said they won’t shop at Harris Teeter anymore
because it will be too hard to get to, and Richard Zambito, president of the
Parklawn Civic Association asked what Federal Realty is doing to ensure Harris Teeter will survive.
store,” said Jarett Parker, vice president for asset management at Federal
Realty, although he also said, “this particular transaction doesn’t require
their consent.”
neighborhood,” while another member of the audience predicted it will lead to
the “overall degradation of the shopping center.”
people from VDOT, two from Federal Reality, and one each from Fairfax County
Planning and Zoning and Virginia’s Department of General Services.
She was invited, but the her Holiday Town Hall Gathering happened to be on the
same evening. “I’m sorry Penny chose not to send a representative or drop in
for two minutes,” Kory said.
“I’m doing everything I can to see that something like this doesn’t happen
again.” She promised to host future meetings if requested.
the MDC board, accused the DMV of not taking residents’ concerns seriously and
asked for an analysis of the consequences of relocating the DMV to Barcroft
Plaza, a plan for managing those consequences, and an opportunity for public
review and comment.
to open when the Four Mile Run facility closes. “We’re not asking for a delay,”
Miller said, urging the DMV to complete the study before April 15.
we wouldn’t be here,” said David Mitchell, DMV deputy commissioner and chief
administrative and finance officer. “We want to
address your concerns to the best of our ability, but some are not in
our control.”
Thank you as always, for taking the time to report on these issues.
In other words, you people are screwed. We will show up and say "sorry" at meetings – but that's about the accountability. The real CROOK is Federal Realty. They new the tenant would be DMV in March 2015- and rejected Glory Days Grill – the family restaurant the community pleaded for… and kept everyone in the dark as long as possible – until BAM – lease signed and construction on full speed ahead. I only hope Kory can help.
My guess is that the DMV (State) is a more likely tenant to survive, than is another restaurant, thus the leasing agency was happy to take the deal.
I had dealings with the DMV when they sited a shop near TJ Middle School in Arlington (before the 4 Mile Run facility). They lied about the impacts on traffic and about keeping testing out of the local neighborhoods. It is the way they do business. They don't care what the impacts are on traffic, etc. I think they lack the skills to figure it out.
These government officials are garbage; every, single one of them. Those in by vote are just the tip of the iceberg.
The idea that holding a completely meaningless meeting does any good or absolves them is ridiculous.
Here's an alternative headline:
"A meeting was held during which some bureaucrats and elected officials acknowledged they are accountable to no one and plan to do nothing."
Subhead: "Penny Gross couldn't be bothered to show up."
She had her own pre-scheduled event and handled that, as she well knows that FxCo can do nothing to co-opt the State's actions on this situation.
You mean she had a Christmas party.
I like the headline. Perfect!
So did the Mason District Council purposely choose to schedule this meeting on the same night of the Mason District Holiday Town Hall Gathering, which was scheduled long before it? Way to go MDC!
Anon: 1:26, Actually, the DMV officials selected the date – not MDC.
Why doesn't Penny Gross set up her own meeting?
Why won't Penny tell us what she knew and when she knew it? Did she know in March, June, September? She knew and she said nothing to the people of Mason District.
Once again Kay Kory shows that she is totally incompetent and clueless. DMV is a state agency – I can't believe she didn't know about this. How does she keep getting re-elected??
Stupid people keep voting for her!!
She gets getting reelected because the Democrats who dominate the district, are too lazy to primary her. And…..being an incumbent she has lots of money and it's expensive to run for office..Thank you Supreme Court and thank you to the corrupt Assembly and its gerrymandering state wide. Special Kudos to our own Dick Saslaw who is the Democratic Majority Leader and in a position to do something about these issue.
PS He has a lot of campaign money too.
He loves the pay day loan racket and has worked hard to legalize them. They remember.
Richmond is notorious for not communicating with local government. They really don't care about Northern Virginia – other than to raid our tax dollars.
How exactly is Federal Realty a "crook?" If you are a landlord and you cannot come to terms with one tenant but you can with another tenant, especially a government tenant with long lease terms, you've actually made an excellent deal.
Be careful about asking for the government to intervene in every issue that you find inconvenient. You really, really do not want that.
I remember all the chicken littles screaming that the sky was falling before the large building at Seminary and 395 opened claiming that the traffic in the area would be horrible and that it would ruin our quality of life.
The horrible traffic jams never happened. The sky didn't fall.
I think we'll survive a DMV at Barcroft Plaza.
Really, of all the things to be worried about, this should hardly make the list.
Crook – as in dishonest in withholding information on this deal with the surrounding communities. Maybe there is a better word …
Again, we have real problems to worry about. This is not one of them.
More than one hundred million dollars has been spent to improve the road and intersection and build a new ramp leading to the new BRAC building at Seminary and 395.
Traffic movement into and out of Barcroft is perilous already – I've dealt with DMV traffic before. We are talking about a lot of inexperienced as well as frustrated drivers all coming into and out of that lot for the first time or very infrequently. They won't know the traffic patterns and will make many bonehead mistakes.
@ 9pm, perilous? maybe if you don't know how to drive. I'm in there all the time and seem to manage fine.
DMV should reduce services at Barcroft Plaza and make that facility a DMV select. They could open a separate faciity elsewhere or use the current Arlington facility for issuing drivers licenses, which is the main cause of the high traffic. Two smaller bureaus instead of one large one would be better for such a densely populated area as Mason District.
I feel for the small business owners at Barcroft Plaza. Convenient parking is essential for their continued existence. If parking and pedestrian safety becomes an issue it will negatively impact their sales and profits and could undermine their ability to survive.
Small businesses are essential to prosperity, not more government offices, and we need to protect their ability to survive. The DMV will pay real estate taxes through their lease with Federal Realty. But, the DMV
doesn't pay property taxes on their computers, desks and other necessities for doing business. Nor do they pay tax on profits, because there aren't any. Having a DMV move into a jurisdiction has consequences to the tax base in the county. FFX County is running a deficit, as are the schools, so we need businesses that pay taxes.
Let Arlington have a facility that issues drivers licenses. Make the DMV at Barcroft Plaza a DMV Select. Protect the small businesses at Barcroft Plaza.
Did you not see that they no longer have a lease on the Four Mile Run site?
Kaye Kory is literally the most worthless politician we have ever had in Mason District. She spends all of her time worrying about what Penny Gross is doing, and none doing her job — like being up to date on state issues like a DMV in her House District.
Kaye Kory should resign her seat, what a worthless waste of space. What an embarrassment. And for her to try to deflect this on to Penny, good try playing to the crowd Kaye…
Gross could easily have sent a representative if she couldn't tear herself away from her Holiday Party for 20 minutes. It doesn't even take 5 minutes to walk from her office to Belvedere.
Does her absence and lack of representation indicate that she did know about the DMV move to Barcroft Plaza all along? Why isn't she showing any support for her constituents? Typical Penny. And, we're stuck with her for another four years.
You guys are all spoiled brats. Federal Realty pens a good business deal and you have to walk over 25 yards to your car.
Get over yourselves.
Federal Realty pens a good deal for itself that undermines the small businesses leasing from them. See the conumdrum here? Small businesses and Harris Teeter deserve more consideration from Federal Realty than they are getting.
It's just common sense that this is a raw deal for the other businesses renting in Barcroft Plaza.
Greedy, that's how I see Federal Realty. Very greedy.
How is bringing hundreds of potential clients to the neighboring small businesses greedy?
That is excellent leasing strategy.
I've lived in the neighborhood and shopped at the Harris Teeter every weekend for close to 15 years now. I've literally never seen the lot so full it couldn't accommodate more cars, especially in that far corner where the DMV center will be located. Even on a Saturday.
I don't get the concerns for the small businesses either. People waiting for their number to be called at the DMV will get lunch at Subway or Hong Kong Express or Super Pollo. After they're done, can do their shopping at Harris Teeter, or pick up pet supplies at Chico's, whatever. I suspect they're ecstatic to see more traffic in their plaza.
Here's a question: there were some local residents apparently expressing concern that this deal will hurt Harris Teeter and other businesses in the plaza. Did anyone from Harris Teeter or any of the other tenants show up to express the same view? If not, I think that's pretty telling.
That is absolutely moronic. I'm not going to risk losing my place in the DMV queue to get an effing sandwich from subway. And after i'm dealing with arduous waits and paperwork, the last thing that I want to do is stick around and shop. And the DMV clientele round these parts don't tend to frequent high-end per stores.
The parking lot was sometimes full because Han Son-Oak was doing business by the Korean busloads.
Those small businesses will not in anyway prosper from DMV. Go to 4 mile run and see how they DMV destroyed the small business that are in that shopping center. Speak to one of the business owners as I have. One spoke at the meeting last Thursday and described his nightmare and ultimate demise of his business there. His customers were run off by the manic parking and traffic situation. What better test than a reality test…….Four Mile Run is a mess. The only thing it had going for it was that is an industrial location.
If this was a small DMV service center of several that would have been ideal, however, this one will be larger than the Four Mile Run Center and will most probably create as much if not more havoc than the Four Mile Run one because it will be drawing from a bigger pool.
The Korean restaurant caused the parking lot to be full because it did business by the bus loads? Basically, it was buses parked there, and they took up next to no space. What a stupid comment that is.
Agreed, anon 9:52. I'm really surprised at the idiotic rose-tinted glasses that people seem to be viewing this situation with.
@ 959, I can't account for others here, but I'm skeptical it'll have the noah's flood impact that others are stating. I think it's unfortunate they're moving in vice something more community (beer) oriented, but I really think that the claims of total destruction of that shopping center via blight and traffic are a bit over exaggerated – or at least not really based on anything concrete.
Really, Adam? I live in an immediately adjacent house, and I go shopping at Barcroft Plaza several times a week, and have for the last several years. The shopping center isn’t dying, as others proclaim. There are always lines to pick up my dry cleaning, shop at Harris Teeter, pick up chicken from the Peruvian place, liquor store, pet store….people are there, spending money. Nothing is dying. But I am not going to fight for parking from DMV customers to run these errands after work, so this will all come to an end. The DMV customers will come, take up most of the parking in the lot, complete their transactions, and speed out. They will not spend any money elsewhere in the plaza. This is a horrid deal for the surrounding neighbors, who will see greatly increased traffic, and the other retailers in Barcroft Plaza.
@ 1044, I agree with you, the shopping center doesn't seem to be dying to me, I certainly end up there several times per week too. But again, I really don't think you can proclaim that DMV is going to prevent people from shopping there and result in a gradual decline, we just don't know. Also, if you live immediately adjacent, shouldn't parking kinda be a moot point for you?
Are you certain that the traffic jams never happen?
Have you been in that area at rush hour?
I believe that there are legitimate concerns about the DMV moving to Barcroft Plaza. First, have the number of DMV employees requiring parking places, about 30 , been factored into the parking calculations?. The number 534 customers is a daily "average". Does that include Saturdays?
Exiting the parking lot toward Annandale is currently problematic. A large number of additional cars will not help the situation.
There has also been no answer to the question where the road tests will occur. The Center is surrounded by single family residential areas.
You are right about Federal Realty. They are in the business of making money. They evidently chose the DMV and a long term lease over a family restaurant. . The well being of the community and the effect on their other tenants is immaterial.
We are, also, way past the worrying phase. The DMV move is a reality.
Here's a chance for the County to finally unload the Clark House. That's the white elephant that was bequeathed to the County decades ago. It's immediately adjacent to what will become the DMV. So, I propose that the County require Federal Realty to purchase the property, tear down the house, and use the vacant lot as dedicated parking for the DMV.
I see…so you would gladly sacrifice the quality of living in the Barcroft Mews neighborhood. How very nice of you.
The residents have every reason to appreciate the luxury of having a completely useless Victorian mansion serving as a picturesque backdrop for their neighborhood. However, I'd prefer not to be the one helping to subsidize their indulgence. The Clark House and the Potomac Workhouse Arts Center are money pits that need to go.
And that issue should have nothing to do with the DMV placement. Get real.
I don't live in Barcroft Mews, but I would never suggest ruining their beautiful community.
Why would you even suggest something like that?
This has got to be the most asanine comment yet. Getting rid of our valuable history to make way for an incompetent state agency, are you kidding me or did you just fall off a chair?
Look , DMV and VDOT have continued to bully Farifax because our BoS allows it, shame on them. It is time for o Kory, Gross, Bulova and Saslaw to put on their boxing gloves and start acting like the leaders they were just recently elected.
They need to get some balls and do their job. Just say NO and stop saying there is nothing we can do. If we wanted useless leaders we would have voted in our pets. And perhaps if we did we may not be in this mess.
This is so typical of Fairfax County — go ahead and do it, then tell the citizens. What is also interesting is that it looks like most of the former users of the old DMV were from Arlington. That is great, that brings more Arlington traffic onto Columbia Pike. Also for the county to act so surprised that the owner did not renew their lease shows they do not plan, have no contingency plans and just react to everything like it is a big surprise. Then, they can tell us that there is no other choice. There was a choice, but county staff did not plan well enough to take any other action.
I'll be a sad day when our historical legacy has to depend on an old farm house that's not even facing in the same direction in which it was built. (That's right; they moved it from it's original location in order to build those ostentatious residences). So, it's historical value has been totally compromised. At the very least, they should sell it to some high roller as a trophy house. I like the parking lot idea better though.
The DMV move was never in doubt. The meeting was only conducted to let a few locals blow up off steam. Penny didn't show because she wasn't going to pointlessly take one for the team. After winning by 16 points, she doesn't need the hassle. The plain fact is that none of the public officials you mention have the clout to affect the outcome of VDOT's decision. Saslaw may have been able to do some buttonholing if anyone had bothered with him. However, he's clearly not important enough to worry about. Kaye Kory is a political cipher. She apparently still believes she's on the school board. Bulova is a nobody in Richmond.
So, unless you like to sit in traffic, I recommend you do your commuting on Columbia Pike before the DMV opens or after it closes. And forget about finding a parking space. HT and Starbucks are off limits from now on.
Kaye Kory's time has come and gone. She has failed the test of real leadership time and time again. I hear this is her last term. Good riddance!
Kaye Kory unseated veteran Delegate Bob Hull in a primary. That's the only way a Democrat incumbent will ever be unseated in Mason. Although she stressed Hull's inability to provide any significant benefits for his constituent, she hasn't been any more effective. She's probably retiring from office because of advancing age. However, the odds are excellent that her replacement will be yet another ineffective Democratic.who will just take up space in Richmond.
Please come to the Delegate Aphonso Lopez's meeting on the DMV relocation meeting on Sunday, 2:00 pm, at the Arlington Community Center, on Walter Reed Road, to continue to tell them we don't want the DMV in our residential area. Arlington wants to keep the DMV, because it's located in a convenient industrial area not in a neighborhood.
I cannot imagine what Del. Lopez has in mind. The ink on the Barcroft Plaza lease is dry and the remodeling of the building is well underway. Too late.
Our local and state government are run and ruined by a bunch of morons. The way the DMV operates they may as well work for Putin.
Next election I will nominate my 6 yr old, chances are we will be better off.
i used to live this area for 11 years in Annandale. i love this town but this place is growing with traffic congestions. i know Penny Gross and she should be involved. if she didnt she will lose her next election. DMV in new area may be cause more problems for public. the three way intersections lots of snares. dmv needs to remodeled.
Penny has told you that she is running for another term? Great eight more years of Penny. Long live Penny! I think she will be around 76 when her current term ends.
NIMBY. What a bunch of selfish, entitled, whiners. Jeez.
This is not about NIMBY's this is about destroying a local shopping center by an arrogant leasing agent, an incompetent state agency, and a disengaged local district leader that had not done its due diligence. I have no problem with a service center, I do have a problem with it being the largest center in the district drawing traffic from Arlington, Alexandria and Fairfax. David good luck with getting towed, because that is what will happen at Barcroft. And those idiots and Federal Realty who live in MD have not a clue as to what destruction they will do to our community. They had not even visited the shopping center on a Saturday morning. That is how informed they are, about as informed as you are……zero thought will equal zero results.
Your response is almost the textbook definition of 'Not In My Back Yard' thus making DavidN's point
Actually, "I have no problem with a service center…" kind of immediately makes it NOT a textbook definition at all, and the request that things actual be planned before they happen does't seem outlandish… but you would need to actually read the response to know that you are 100% wrong. Well done though, good input.
Spoken like someone who's never driven that leg of Columbia Pike during rush hour …
I am local, and I have no problem with the DMV itself, but the fact they're going to run driving tests out of that location is just absurd.
I commuted that path for 6 years. Wasn't great, but the biggest problem were people going 10 mph under the speed limit, not the overall quantity of cars.
DavidN You R RIGHT! — People are saying… Destroying this Shopping center… LOL…
DMV will rescue this DYING Shopping Center! regarding the driving tests… Come on… We live next to Korea Town!!! (Annandale) where you can test your driving skills every single day 🙂
Fukushima was lousy with selfish, entitled, whiner NIMBYS. I hate them. I hope they all washed out to sea.
You people are crazy taking swipes at concerned citizens and comparing them to the victims of Fukushima. I think these folks were just asking for facts, transparency and accountability of a state agency that made a decision that the community and the local government were not involved in and you turn it into a hate war.
You have one up on Trump for idiocy. Your verbatim portrays hypocritical and irrational thought and that kind of behavior is equally or more ridiculous than that of the extreme NIMBYs. If your going to use labels then I think you and the complainers of NIMBYs qualify as IMBECILES.
So that puts Annandale-Falls Church into two categories NIMBYS and IMBECILES and no one in the center. Wonderful, it sounds just like Washington DC, and we are expected to lead the rest of world, no wonder its a mess.
@1031, calls people crazy for making crazy allegations….then proceeds to make crazy allegations.
This is just another democratic disaster, by disengaged democratic leadership. Dumb = Disaster = Dump.
Thank you Fairfax County and VA for the your three D grading on your solid leadership in running over the middle class on behalf of saving your hides behind your inaccurate spreadsheets based on fact less data and pointless measures.
What is the problem with this again? I live rather close to this but I am not that concerned. I would rather of had a Glory Days but I have a hard time seeing this as horrible.
This will draw traffic from Arlington, Annandale, and Falls Church. I think it is going to turn out to be even busier than the Four Mile Run location was, which is a complete madhouse much of the time. Forget shopping in Barcroft Plaza from 7-7 daily, and from 7-2 on Saturday.
The thing is I have used Four Mile Run for the last 20 plus years and never have considered it congested. I often use it as a cut through.
I do understand this may make getting in and out of Barcroft Plaza more difficult. But you can do a lot of the DMV options online now so I am hoping it will be even less busy than the Four Mile Run.
Also Four Mile Run is still open.
Arlington will have a full service DMV in Virginia Square, so I will not have to travel to your privileged neighborhood.
Arlington won't have a full service DMV at Va square, so we're glad to have you in our privileged neighborhood.
Four Mile Run will close when Barcroft opens. Sorry Arlington and Annandale, you are screwed. Barcroft will be overwhelmed because Arlington will have limited services and NO parking.
ALL THAT COMPLAIN: That shopping center is Dying! we need more businesses! Besides, the vast majority of you leaves the neighborhood to go to work!!! I shop in HT and I don’t see anyone parking close to HT while the new DMV is far away from this end of the shopping center. I was trying to open a store in that center and actual pedestrians-traffic was not enough… perhaps now with DMV will improve the chances of opening a store there…
Please stop complaining… Unless you shop or go to the plaza every single day during business hours its just another business that will generate a bit more of traffic…
We want everything right, good DMV, Good HT, No traffic, no other customers, green traffic light… —PLEASE! The DMV will be nothing compare to the traffic generated by Thomas Jefferson High School across from my TH… and that is SOLID TRAFFIC every day before 9 am and around 3pm… Right when we go to work… 🙁 any more complains? —
There was another complain because 10-15 new homes were build across my neighborhood… TRAFFIC AGAIN… — many months after that… I don’t see any problem!!! — In short: DMV Welcome to this side of the city!
DMV set the precedent by its mess at Four Mile Run. Why would you expect folks to think that this would be anything less than that same mess. Its a logical question, but it appears there seem to be more stupid anecdotes than sound suggestions for improving a situation that was poorly planned and may be as badly executed.
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How will the DMV stay in business? Don't people work during those hours of the WORK week?