‘Road Shark’ targets aggressive drivers

Police issued nearly 5,700 citations and warnings in Fairfax County during the first wave of the 2024 Road Shark traffic safety campaign. That’s 1,990 more than the first Road Shark wave in 2023.
Road Shark is coordinated by the Fairfax County Police Department in partnership with the Virginia State Police.
The campaign focuses on enhancing visibility of the police and combatting aggressive driving, reducing traffic accidents, and fostering positive changes in driving behavior.
During the first wave – March 17-23 – police ticketed reckless drivers, some of whom exceeded 100 miles per hour. The second wave of Road Shark begins April 22.
Keep it up!
Are you kidding? It’s not safe to drive anymore. It’s not just the 100 mph drivers — they run you off the road if you are going the speed limit! Targeting aggressive drivers should be a daily event — not a special event.
I wish they had stopped the drivers racing on Rt 50 last week and the one today who passed me on a yellow line on Cedar Lane and then someone else the same way before turning onto Rt 29. People have been driving liked they are possessed!
Please continue
Mason district is becoming a race track I can hear the engines roar from inside my apartment.
Agreed, I’ve never seen so many aggressive drivers in my 20+ years of driving as now. It seems everyone is so impatient and as long as I’ve driven on the highway, I’m trying to avoid it b/c I see too many people treating it like it’s some racing video game, weaving in and out of cars with almost no space to do so. I have a baby riding in the back now and one time I almost got sandwiched between this huge 18 wheeler and another car that wasn’t letting ppl merge over, definitely stressful.
Why is this not an everyday occurrence? The police need to focus on issuing tickets on a regular basis. Driving is becoming extremely dangerous with 3-4 people driving through lights after they have turned red. People driving like they are in a video game is now becoming the norm. Police, please keep up with this effort regularly.
Road safety depends on human behavior as well as design of streets and vehicles. Our vehicles are lethal machines and roads are proven death traps, especially for pedestrians and bicyclists, so it is refreshing to see police attempting to improve the behavior of drivers. I won’t hold my breath though; our streets are mostly designed to encourage speeding and law-breaking.