Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

School board approves scope of boundary study for Parklawn

Recess at Parklawn.

The Fairfax County School Board on March 13 approved the scope of a boundary study to relieve overcrowding at Parklawn Elementary School in Lincolnia.

The boundary study will include these elementary schools: Parklawn, Annandale Terrace, Bailey’s, Bailey’s Upper, Beech Tree, Belvedere, Braddock, Bren Mar Park, Columbia, Glen Forest, Mason Crest, Sleepy Hollow, North Springfield, and Weyanoke.

The study will also include the AAP (Advanced Academic Program) boundaries for Canterbury Woods and Belvedere elementary schools.

Related story: FCPS considers boundary adjustment for Parklawn ES

The boundary adjustment, proposed by Mason District school board member Ricardy Anderson, would address Parklawn’s current and projected capacity deficit, enrollment growth, and the number of temporary classrooms.

Parklawn Elementary School has 949 students. The school is at 99 percent capacity utilization and is projected to be at 104 percent in the 2029-30 school year. Parklawn has 19 temporary classrooms and a 10-classroom modular building. 

On a separate track, FCPS has hired a consultant to conduct a district-wide boundary study.

Related story: Parents weigh priorities for FCPS boundary study

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