Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Schools closed tomorrow, for the fourth day

Kids will have another day of fun in the snow.

Fairfax County public schools will close tomorrow, Thursday, Jan. 9, for the fourth day in a row.

Whenever schools are closed, all activities at schools and school grounds are canceled.

“As we navigate through another day of cold weather and icy roads, I want to express my deepest appreciation for your patience as we work to reopen our schools to students and staff,” said FCPS Superintendent Michelle Reid.

“I also remain inspired by our outstanding custodial, facilities, transportation, and grounds crews who continue to work around the clock to ensure the safety of our schools and vehicles,” Reid said. 

“The Virginia Department of Transportation has been prioritizing clearing secondary roads, however clearing bus stops and sidewalks has continued to be problematic,” she said. “Many sidewalks and bus stops (we have 45,000 bus stops!) continue to be covered in snow.”

School offices and central offices will open for the public at 10 a.m. on Thursday.  

The National Weather Service predicts more snow on Friday night, possibly extending into Saturday morning and freezing temperatures through next Wednesday.  

One response to “Schools closed tomorrow, for the fourth day

  1. No reason schools are not back in session today. Unfortunate that today’s parents have too much influence on teachers and the school board.

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