Second Story provides much-needed assistance to Bailey’s Crossroads residents

Residents of Culmore and Bailey’s Crossroads have lots of new ways to connect with county and nonprofit resources, thanks to the Opportunity Neighborhoods – Crossroads Area initiative operated by Second Story.
On Thursday, March 23, the first day of Ramadan, Second Story is hosting a community gathering, 3:30-4:30 p.m., for Afghan refugees at Skyline Park on Seminary Road. There will be food giveaways and activities for children, says Pedro Villela Chavez, strategy director for ON-Crossroads Area at Second Story.
Food and clothing distribution events are held on the last Thursday of the month at that location to serve the large community of Afghan residents at Skyline Towers.
Opportunity Neighborhoods (ON) is a Fairfax County program that brings together community-based partners to provide resources to vulnerable youths and families. The program targets assistance to disadvantaged neighborhoods, with programs developed to meet the needs identified by residents.
Other Opportunity Neighborhoods are in Annandale, Reston, Herndon, and Mount Vernon.

ON-Crossroads Area has designated community ambassadors to help determine what kind of services are needed, Villela Chavez says.
Other-ON Crossroads Area activities include English language classes and a series of financial literacy classes on banking, budgeting, and other topics.
Second Story is starting an English conversation group with Spanish students from George Mason University who will teach English phrases and slang to local residents.
Second Story is working with the Police Department to bring safety initiatives to Culmore and recently hosted a health fair at Bailey’s Community Center in collaboration with county agencies and other organizations.
Related story: Soccer camp brings families together in Annandale’s Opportunity Neighborhoods
The group is also partnering with Anthem to develop a program connecting community members to high schools. “Often there is a disconnect,” Villela Chavez says. “Parents don’t know how to talk to schools about concerns with their students. So this program will help with that.”
Another initiative in the works is a health clinic tentatively planned for April 8 at the Culmore Family Resource Center.
Villela Chavez says ON-Culmore Area would also like to start a soccer program for kids like the one organized by FACETS for ON-Annandale.
Thank you Second-Story for making a difference in the community..
On behalf of Second-Story, I would like to thank our partners Rosas Blancas and Britepahs for their collaboration in training community members with financial literacy classes at the Culmore Resource Center in Falls Church.
Our organization will continue to invite different partners to train our community members on different topics according to the needs of the community.
Bravo! With luck this will help immigrants to better navigate life in America and help keep vulnerable kids engaged in positive activities and out of gangs. These are all great community programs helping an area in need.