Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Duke St. ramps at Van Dorn to close for eight months

A map showing the road closure and detours. [City of Alexandria]

Correction – The eastbound Duke Street to Van Dorn Street ramp and the Van Dorn Street to eastbound Duke Street ramp will be closed to all traffic from Dec. 30 to Aug. 1, 2025, not the entire road, as previously reported.

The road closure is necessary to accommodate the installation of roadway infrastructure associated with the WestEnd redevelopment project on the site of the former Landmark Mall, the City of Alexandria reported.

Traffic to and from Van Dorn Street will be detoured through S. Walker Street and Stevenson Avenue.

During this period, traffic control devices will be installed for safety purposes along the detour route. All businesses along Duke Street will remain open.

The developer will provide written notification directly to nearby residential properties and businesses. For questions or concerns about the closures, contact Alex311.

24 responses to “Duke St. ramps at Van Dorn to close for eight months

  1. The intersection on westbound Duke at S Walker is always interesting this is gonna really screw it up, I am predicting backups back to Little River beyond Beauregard till this is complete. Should be fun!

    1. Looks like all eastbound traffic on Duke will have to merge into one right-turn lane… across the ramp bringing traffic from NB 395. Should be exciting.

  2. I would comment but the cuss words would be offensive to some readers. The DMV and the city planning commission are brainless. Lot of road rage will result.

    1. I agree with the brainless comment, how long have they known this before informing the public? Who would move to that area knowing that?

    2. I agree with you, I wish I could say what I feel. But instead of living in this insanity, upside down, backwards world I will be voting with my feet soon. I’ve had enough of the City of Alexandria. This leadership boggles the mind and anyone with an IQ greater than 65 can no longer deal with this nonesense.

      1. This is not part of the City of Alexandria. This intersection is Fairfax County. Everything else you said is true though

        1. That area is parr of Alexandria. The border is past Pinecrest on the other side of Braddock Rd and Little River Turnpike.

  3. The authorities that permitted this project should be terminated. Never mind they’re retired living from the payments from the developer. At least I hope the streets will be upgraded with “high quality asphalt” not the low bid junk

  4. 8 months? I’m sorry nothing takes 8 months if the motivation is there. Whatever the real reason maybe a month at best but this is beyond stupid. Those side roads can’t accommodate all the traffic. Same moron probably ran the bridge project that took years.

  5. How are you going to get back on Duke Street? According to this map, the ramp from Van Dorn that would put you on Duke going east is also closed? I think they’re showing the wrong ramp closure – the ramp that puts you going west should be closed, not that one. If that ramp is closed, that will force people continuing east to make a left from Van Dorn onto Edsall and cut through S Reynolds or S Pickett, which will back up traffic all over the Van Dorn area.

  6. The construction updates page doesn’t support the interpretation that the whole of Duke Street is closing and the detours on the map wouldn’t make sense if that were true (that is, as one example, if eastbound Duke was really closed there the detour would go Walker-Stevenson-Van Dorn-Holmes Run-Ripley). The way I read it only the RAMPS on the south side are closing.

    So: eastbound Duke to Van Dorn (either direction) uses Walker and Stevenson; Van Dorn (either direction) to eastbound Duke uses Stevenson and Walker; southbound Van Dorn to westbound Duke uses Stevenson and Walker; northbound Van Dorn to westbound Duke uses the ramp on the north side

  7. I can see how some of this might be necessary to support the new hospital, but it’s going to make traffic over there a nightmare, and it’s going to be bad for the businesses in that area.

  8. They had the area designed to strike a reasonable balance between allowing cars ingress and egress from what was a major shopping center while not too seriously disrupting traffic flowing through the area on 236. South Walker access was less than ideal, but the development of the Landmark site does not reach that area. So what is Alexandria allowing to happen on the Landmark site which requires a seven month redo??? Unless…it is just an excuse to try and shut down traffic trying to make its way down 236. Traffic that for the most part is headed to or from destinations within the City of Alexandria.

  9. I heard the Pentagon was built in 18 months. Today it takes that long just to remodel a property to build a grocery store

  10. Yep, 8 months is not acceptable for a road project this intrusive and disruptive. Like what the heck are the planners thinking? Or smoking?
    Do they have even the slightest idea how much traffic uses Duke and Van Dorn now and how disruptive this will be for us who live in the area or have to travel through this area? I mean, there isn’t any extra capacity on the so-called detour. It’s mind boggling…

  11. This was actually my New Year’s wish and I got it. I’m so happy for this exit closure. I’m going to use this as an excuse to ride my bike more.

  12. What a lazy article. The opening sentence is WRONG….Duke St is not shut down in its entirety as the article blatantly claims. The ramps ingressing and egressing Van Dorn are affected. Not the road itself.

    Can’t blame the “author” of this “article” for not having the courage to attach their name to it. Absolutely piss poor effort. Do better

  13. Nate,
    I want you to take a breath and ask yourself if you would speak to a person like this face-to-face. You are so angry. I feel sorry for you and for those who must deal with your temper on a daily basis. Please get help.

  14. Just when I thought the right turn on Walker from Duke couldn’t get congested, the civil engineers found a way to make it more worse. It wasn’t enough that they extended the 395 exit ramp island, making the right turn onto Walker almost impossible; they also had to close the turn lane altogether. Then, make the turn onto Walker a 90-degree/stop turn at the light. WHAT?! To allow this intersection to become a bottleneck, given the width of Duke, is beyond negligent.

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