Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Seven Corners residents seek new hearing on redevelopment options

An ad-hoc community
working group that has called for redevelopment of Seven Corners with
less density than the proposal under consideration by the Fairfax County Planning Commission has asked the commission to delay a vote on the plan.
The Planning Commission
held a public hearing on a Seven Corners amendment to the county’s
Comprehensive Plan on May 7. That amendment is based on the recommendations of
the Seven Corners Task Force and a working group on the Sears site (Area C).
The Planning Commission is scheduled to vote on the amendment July 8.

The community working
group plans to submit alternative recommendations for redeveloping Seven
Corners on June 22.  

The group sent an email
to Julie Strandlie, the commissioner representing Mason District, asking her to
ve to re-open the Planning Commission’s public hearing on the Seven
Corners redevelopment plan to receive citizen comment on the ad-hoc community
working group’s recommendations.”
Mason Supervisor Penny Gross had asked the
ad-hoc group “to review and make additional recommendations regarding the
redevelopment plan,” the email states. “Specifically, Supervisor Gross asked
the group to consider options to reduce the overall density of development in
Areas A and B. Those areas consist of
the Seven Corners Shopping Center and the area between Route 50 and Wilson
Boulevard occupied by the Willston Center, Willston shopping centers, and
aging garden apartments.
“The group has met with county staff
and is preparing a set of recommendations that will address density, mixed use,
affordable housing, and schools,” the email continues. Before the Planning
Commission votes on a redevelopment plan, “it is important and appropriate that
you and your colleagues hear public comment on all of the options.”
The letter was signed by Clyde A.
Miller, president of the Holmes Run Valley Citizens Association (HRVCA) and chair
of the ad-hoc community working group; Michael Cook, HRVCA vice president; John
Iekel, president of the Ravenwood Park Citizens Association (RPCA); Martin
Machowsky RPCA vice president; Del. Kaye Kory; Kim O. Cook, executive director
of the Vietnamese Resettlement Association; Caroline Morel, president of the Sleepy
Hollow Manor Citizens Association; Catriona McCormack, president of the
Ravenwood Citizens’ Association; Debbie Smith, chair of the Mason District Council of Community Associations (MDC); Jon Clark, member of the board of the Annandale
Acres Civic Association and MDC treasurer and code compliance chair; MDC board member Carol
Turner of Ravenwood Park; Debbie Ratliff, co-chair of the
Education Committee of Sleepy Hollow Manor; Lake Barcroft residents Liz
Rawlings, Steve Chalupsky, and Tina Trapnell; Rita Baban; and Mark C.Hayes.

2 responses to “Seven Corners residents seek new hearing on redevelopment options

  1. A reasonable request. The current draft plan for Seven Corners was developed at a time when building apartments was very much in vogue. But the market has changed; too many rental units have been developed or are in the pipeline.

  2. If the market is changing to condos, developers can respond – but that is happening only to a limited extent. Despite the improved supply of new rental units, rents have only declined a very small amount – it appears construction of new ones is still profitable. Of course this plans is supposed to cover 40 years, not just next year's market.

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