Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Share your vision for the future of Fairfax County

Community members are invited to share their views on a strategic plan that will shape the future of Fairfax County.

A moderated conversation session will be held March 6, 7-8:30 p.m., at the James Lee Community Center, 2855 Annandale Road, in Falls Church. Register here.

The county is interested in residents’ hopes for the future of the community, challenges in living here, and top priorities. Everyone can participate, whether you have lived in Fairfax County your whole life or just moved here.

If you would like to attend but need help with transportation, interpretations, or child care, contact Amy Ordonez at 703-787-4962, [email protected].

County residents are also encouraged to take a short survey about their priorities and vision for Fairfax County.

2 responses to “Share your vision for the future of Fairfax County

  1. Bottom line for Mason, Gross has got to go, we need new leadership that can lead us into the future with mass transit and economic growth that will stimulate the Fairfax economy. Capital investments is sorely needed in declining areas such as Baileys and Seven Corners and other older failing commercial district. This should be the County's priority if it intends to complete with other localities for jobs, tax revenue and commercial investments. Without this as a mantra the County will not be able to provide the current level of services and take care of its increasing poor and needy population. It can no longer keep raising the property taxes to sustain services without driving out its dwindling middle class population.

    1. Well-articulated. I hope you filled out the survey.

      Note to every chronic whiner who visits this blog: put up or zip it. Please. Fill out the survey (and/or attend the meeting tonight) or keep all your endless moaning to yourself.


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