Sidewalk planned for Columbia Pike

The Fairfax County Department of Transportation is planning a 6-foot wide sidewalk along Columbia Pike between Backlick Road and Tom Davis Drive in Annandale.
Mason Supervisor Penny Gross and FCDOT will host a virtual public meeting on the project on Jan. 23 at 7 p.m. Access the meeting on Teams.
Related story: Sidewalk project funded for Columbia Pike
The Columbia Pike Complete Streets Phase I project also includes ADA-compliant curb ramps, a 6-foot-wide landscape panel, and a new high-visibility crosswalk at the Tom Davis Drive intersection. Construction will require right-of-way acquisition and utility relocation.
The project, located in the Annandale Central Business and Community Revitalization Overlay District, was recommended by the 2018 Columbia Pike Pedestrian and Bicycle Study. That study called for updated pedestrian and bicycle access along the corridor.
As a resident of Sleepy Hollow, I am so jealous
With luck, more and better sidewalks will encourage more people to use them instead of their cars for running errands.