Metro hopes to open Silver Line extension in time for Thanksgiving travel

Metro leaders say the Silver Line extension to Dulles Airport will be ready to open in time for the start of busy Thanksgiving holiday travel, the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority announced Oct. 19. However, there’s still a shortage of railcars.
The opening is subject to approval of a safety certification report and the Return to Service Plan for the 7000-series railcars by the Washington Metrorail Safety Commission (WMSC).
WMATA is confident that approval of both of those reports will happen without more delays.
Metro took custody and control of the extension from the Airports Authority on June 23 and is finalizing its safety certification report to WMSC this week.
Last month, Metro’s senior safety and operations officials expressed safety concerns about moving cars from other crowded lines for new service, and that more trains were needed to support the extension, WMATA reports.
“Since control of the extension was turned over to Metro, we and our partners at the Airports Authority, Fairfax, and Loudoun have worked diligently to complete all of the steps needed for Metro to offer safe and reliable service for rail travel to Dulles Airport and Loudoun County,” said General Manager and CEO Randy Clarke. “We are just awaiting concurrence from our Safety Commission partners.”
WMSC notified Metro Oct. 17 that it still objects to Metro’s phase three of the Return to Service Plan for the 7000-series railcars. The plan was first submitted on Sept. 28 and was not approved due to the lack of data. Metro had submitted an additional data analysis on Oct. 14.
WMATA believes the latest rejection letter from the WMSC is confusing and inconsistent with previous directives. Learn more here.
“We have provided all of the available data and analysis we have after safely running 2.7 million miles. However, WMSC has provided confusing direction,” said Executive Vice President and Chief Safety Officer Theresa Impastato. “We simply ask for clear guidance on what is required to satisfy them as to the integrity of our process.”