Skaters’ input sought on new section of Wakefield Skatepark

Skaters are encouraged to come to a meeting at the Audrey Moore Rec Center in Annandale Wednesday, Oct. 26, at 7 p.m., to comment on the proposed design for an expansion of the Wakefield Skatepark.
Representatives from the design company, Spohn Ranch, will be there to listen to skaters’ recommendations, although at this point, user feedback will be more about tweaking the design rather than a major overhaul.
The new section will have grind rails and ramps, but won’t have a bowl or big ramps, says Tim Scott, of the project management branch in the Fairfax County Park Authority. A lot of skaters don’t like big ramps, and FCPA wants to engage people learning to skate as well as advanced skaters, he says, adding “bowls are very intimidating to young skaters.”
The new section will be 6,000 square feet and will be all concrete, possibly in different colors. Wakefield Skatepark was built in 2004, and funding for the expansion is from a 2008 park bond.