Stream project slated for Annandale Community Park

A $3.3 million project is expected to start in mid-May to restore a stream and replace the sanitary sewer line in Annandale Community Park.
A contractor for the Fairfax County Department of Public Works and Environmental Services will restore 1,685 linear feet of Coon Branch and unnamed tributaries.
The project will include the demolition and reconstruction of a pedestrian bridge and the removal and disposal of approximately 550 cubic yards of naturally occurring asbestos rocks. Forebays will be constructed to filter and slow down the water so the sediment will fall to the bottom.

The stream restoration project is needed to prevent erosion, says Jim Cooper, of the Utilities Design and Construction Division at DPWES.
At the same time, the county will replace 578 linear feet of aging sanitary sewer line. Two manholes will be replaced, and others will be refurbished. The sewer crosses the stream in a couple of places, Cooper says, so it’s best to carry out both projects at the same time.
Related story: Explore a Park: Annandale Community Park
One of the baseball fields in Annandale Community Park will have to be dismantled. The Park Authority is expected to repurpose it, possibly as a soccer field.
The project is slated to be completed in December 2024.
Annandale Community Park will remain open, Cooper says. The construction area will be fenced off. There will be limited disruption during construction, although there will be noise due to the use of heavy equipment.
I wonder if they’ve already cut all the trees that were marked for cutting along the stream at least a year ago. I haven’t been over there in a while, but there were dozens and dozens of trees that were marked. If they haven’t been cut by now, the timing will be very problematic for wildlife. Birds and squirrels will be nesting all over the park in May and if tree-cutting starts then, it will be horrendous for young animals and their parents! Does the county EVER think about the needs of wildlife?
With that pricey budget. Please make it possible for stocking sun fish and chubs, possibly trout and bass. fishing will definitely boost that parks visitation and make residents more happy with fishing walkable from their homes. The park needs serious attention to what the local community needs/ wants. Include in the budget, walkable concrete paths & cutting the tree that have been marked for years now. Thank you Fairfax, I know you’ll listen to your residence.