Supervisors approve upgrade for Shell station on Backlick Road

The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors on March 18 approved a zoning special exception to permit a major redevelopment of a Shell service station property at 5533 Backlick Road in the Springfield area of Mason District.
Petroleum Marketing Group (PMG) plans to demolish the auto repair shop on the property, add a 4,000-square-foot convenience store, and replace the fuel pumps with new ones.
Demolition could start in early 2026. The entire layout of the property, at the Industrial Drive intersection, will be changed, and the number of curb cuts will be consolidated.
PMG says it is undertaking the project because demand for small auto repair shops is decreasing, as they don’t have the technology to handle newer cars.
The project includes new fuel islands with a canopy and new underground storage tanks. The number of fuel pumps will be increased from four to six allowing up to 12 cars.
Related story: Planning Committee endorses service station upgrade