Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

BoS considers renaming the Bailey’s Community Center for Minnie Peyton

The Board of Supervisors passed a motion on renaming the Bailey’s Community Center for Minnie Peyton, a former leader of the Black neighborhood of Springdale. Peyton (1889-1985) had donated the land for a school in Bailey’s Crossroads before Virginia’s schools were integrated. Related story: A local Black community honors its history The Lillian Carey Elementary … Continued

Supervisors consider a meals tax

The Board of Supervisors approved a motion May 21 calling for county staff to consider a proposal for a tax on restaurant meals of 1 to 6 percent. The measure passed on a 9-1 vote. Supervisor Pat Herrity (Springfield), the only Republican on the board, voted against it. Supervisor Dalia Palchik (Providence) presented a joint … Continued