Tag: Board of Supervisors
Supervisors schedule public hearing on eminent domain for sewer project in Seven Corners
The new sewer is shown in red, temporary construction easements and grading agreements are in yellow, and affected properties are outlined in blue. The Board of Supervisors on July 27 agreed to hold a public hearing on the need to use quick-take eminent domain powers for a sewer project in Seven Corners. The hearing is … Continued
New grant program will aid childcare centers, community organizations hurt by COVID
The Fairfax County Government Center. The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors approved a new $10 million grant program to help certain small businesses and community-based organizations hurt by the COVID-19 public health emergency. The program will be launched in late August.
Supervisors support consolidation for storage facility expansion
The existing Public Storage facility is outlined in yellow. The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors on July 27 agreed to allow Public Storage at 4312 Ravensworth Road, in Annandale, to replace its existing building with a new, larger storage facility to include first-floor retail uses – but only if the property can be consolidated with … Continued
Board of Supervisors sets hearing on proposed plastic bag tax
The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors on July 27 agreed to hold a public hearing on a proposed plastic bag tax. The tax would be 5 cents per bag provided by grocery stores, convenience stores, and drugstores.
Public hearing will address use of eminent domain for Sleepy Hollow sidewalk construction
The affected properties are outlined in blue. The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors agreed July 27 to advertise a public hearing on using eminent domain to acquire land rights to properties needed for construction of the Sleepy Hollow Walkway Project. The hearing will be Sept. 14 at 4:30 p.m.
Supervisors approve rezoning to allow Heritage Mission Center to expand services to Annandale residents
Bags of food at the Heritage Mission Center for families in need. The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors on July 13 approved a rezoning application to allow the trustees of Annandale United Methodist Church to expand services at their Heritage Mission Center at 7901 Heritage Drive. The property had been split-zoned C-5 and R-20. The … Continued
Board of Supervisors appoints task force to consider renaming roads that honor Confederates
The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors on July 13 appointed a 30-member task force to examine renaming Lee Highway (Route 29) and Lee Jackson Memorial Highway (Route 50). The Confederate Names Task Force, chaired by Evelyn Spain, includes residents and representatives of civic organizations, homeowner associations, faith groups, historical groups, and the business community. The … Continued
Fairfax County board appoints committee charged with redrawing supervisory districts
The Mason Government Center. The Mason District boundary could change as a result of the redistricting process. The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors on June 22 appointed a redistricting committee to begin the process of recommending new boundaries for the BoS and school board districts. As required by state law, the county must consider redrawing … Continued
Construction completed on Annandale’s Korean Community Center
The largest meeting room in the new Korean Community Center. The new Korean Community Center in Annandale offers several spaces for meetings and events for the communityat large, not just Korean Americans. The center occupies the entire second floor of an office building at 6601 Little River Turnpike.
School bond referendum includes construction funds for Falls Church High School
A rendering of the bus loop in front of a renovated Falls Church High School. [Perkins Eastman] Nine years after parents began pushing for the renovation of Falls Church High School, the Board of Supervisors authorized a bond referendum June 8 with $130 million in construction funds for the aging, obsolete school. The $360 million … Continued
Board of Supervisors approves two initiatives to assist small businesses
The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors took two actions June 8 to support small businesses. The board authorized the licensing of a “Made in Fairfax” logo and approved a $25 million grant program to assist small businesses hurt by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Made in Fairfax initiative supports small-scale production and businesses by providing resources … Continued
Faced with growing public criticism, Police Chief Davis vows to listen to community on racial bias and SROs
FCPD Police Chief Kevin Davis [Reston Now] Fairfax County’s new police chief, Kevin Davis, promised to listen to community concerns about racial bias on the police force and step up training. “I’m committed to diversity,” Davis said during a meeting of the Police Civilian Review Panel May 26. After Davis started the job, on May … Continued
Petition seeks recall of new police chief Kevin Davis
Police Chief Kevin Davis More than 1,000 people have signed a petition seeking the recall of Police Chief Kevin Davis, citing his past history in the use of force incidents and other misconduct during his career in policing. Davis was sworn in as head of the Fairfax County Police Department on April 23
Public engagement, transparency lacking in selection of new police chief, NAACP charges
Kevin Davis [NBC Washington] The Fairfax County NAACP is disappointed with the appointment of Kevin Davis as the new chief of the Fairfax County Police Department and charges the selection process excluded meaningful public participation, transparency, and accountability. Board of Supervisors Chair Jeffrey McKay announced the appointment of Davis April 23.
Supervisors approve one-cent property tax decrease
The Fairfax County Government Center. The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors approved a marked-up version of a FY22 budget April 27 that includes a 1-cent decrease in the real estate tax rate for homeowners. The 1-cent cut was initially proposed by County Executive Bryan Hill. Most homeowners will see a tax increase, however, as real … Continued