Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Mason District leaders to fight for funds for the middle school afterschool program

Mason Supervisor Andres Jimenez and Mason School Board member Ricardy Anderson both said they will fight to ensure continued funding for the middle school afterschool program. Jimenez and Anderson spoke at a virtual Mason District Budget Town Hall on March 26, along with County Executive Bryan Hill and Fairfax County Public Schools Chief Financial Officer … Continued

Proposed county budget would raise taxes

County Executive Bryan Hill presented a budget proposal for FY 2025 to the Board of Supervisors Feb. 20 that calls for a 4-cent increase in the property tax rate, partially funds an increase for public schools, and raises employee compensation. “This would be the first real estate rate increase in six years, and it is … Continued