Tag: cell tower

Cell tower proposed for Stuart HS
The arrow shows the location of the proposed cell tower as seen from Nevius Street. [Photo by Milestone Communications] Plans are moving forward for a cell tower at JEB Stuart High School in Falls Church. AT&T and Milestone Communications have filed an application with the Fairfax County Department of Planning and Zoning, and the Fairfax … Continued
Court affirms zoning board’s rejection of Parklawn cell tower
The 19th Judicial Circuit Court of Virginia on May 7 affirmed a decision by the Fairfax Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) last July to reject a proposal for a cell tower on land owned by the Parklawn Recreation Association. “We are appreciative of the court’s thorough review of the case and its decision to uphold … Continued
Board of Supervisors approves Parklawn cell tower
The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors unanimously passed a resolution Sept. 24 to approve a special exception permitting the construction of a 128-foot cell tower on property owned by the Parklawn Recreation Association. That action follows a BoS hearing Sept. 10 during which more than three dozen residents presented strong, passionate feelings on both sides … Continued

Board of Supervisors delays decision on Parklawn cell tower
AT&T representative Ed Donohue testifies before the Board of Supervisors. Following a Fairfax County Board of Supervisors hearing on the Parklawn cell tower Sept. 10 in which 34 people testified, the board approved a motion by Mason Supervisor Penny Gross to postpone a decision until Sept. 24. Gross noted the “unusual situation” with regard to … Continued

FXCO Board of Supervisors sets hearing on Parklawn cell tower
A sign at the entrance to the Parklawn Pool advertises a Board of Supervisors hearing on the cell tower. After the Fairfax County Board of Zoning Appeals rejected an application for a special permit exception to allow a cell tower on property owned by the Parklawn Pool, people who live closed to the proposed site … Continued

Fairfax County zoning board rejects cell tower at Parklawn pool
The Board of Zoning Appeals [Photo is from a video by Channel 16] In a huge victory for residents who live next to a proposed cell tower at the Parklawn Recreation Association, the Fairfax County Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) voted July 31 to deny a special permit for the cell tower. That means the … Continued

Board of Zoning Appeals delays decision on Parklawn cell tower
A cell tower in Gilbert’s Corner, Va., with a graduated paint scheme like the one proposed for the Parklawn pool. The Fairfax County Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) heard the rezoning request to allow construction of a cell tower on property owned by the Parklawn Recreation Association (PRA) July 17 but deferred a decision until … Continued

Planning Commission recommends approval of Parklawn cell tower
Planning Commission members (from the left) include James Hart (at-large), Janet Hall (Mason), Chairman Peter Murphy (Springfield), and Frank de la Fe (Hunter Mill). The Fairfax County Planning Commission unanimously recommended the Board of Supervisors approve an application for a cell tower at the Parklawn pool. The cell tower issue has been extremely divisive for … Continued
Mason land use committee supports Parklawn cell tower
A full house at the May 28 Mason District Land Use Committee meeting. The Mason District Land Use Committee (MDLUC) voted 3-2 May 28 to recommend the Fairfax County Planning Commission approve AT&T’s proposal for a cell tower on property owned by the Parklawn Recreation Association (PRA). The recommendation is for a “mono-pole” with a … Continued

Mason residents disagree about need for cell tower at Parklawn pool
Parklawn resident Michael Gates of PACACT argues against putting up a cell tower at the Parklawn pool. As people for and against the proposed cell tower at the Parklawn pool argued their positions at a lively meeting of the Mason District Land Use Committee March 26, it basically boiled down to aesthetics vs. coverage. People … Continued