Tag: charter school

FCPS School Board rejects Graham Road as site for charter school
Graham Road Elementary School The Fairfax County School Board voted unanimously to eliminate the Graham Road Elementary School building as a site for the proposed Fairfax Leadership Academy and to defer action on the charter school until the FLA submits a revised application addressing concerns raised by a review committee and board members. The board … Continued

Most speakers at school board hearing support charter school
Current plans call for the FLA to be based at the Graham Road Elementary School building. Speaker after speaker at a Fairfax County School Board hearing last night on the proposed charter school spoke out in favor of the Fairfax Leadership Academy (FLA). The vast majority of the 47 people who spoke at the hearing … Continued
FCPS committee recommends that FLA charter school application not be approved
A Charter School Review Committee, convened by Fairfax County Public Schools to evaluate the application submitted by the Fairfax Leadership Academy (FLA) has recommended that the school board “not accept” the application “as submitted.” A report by the committee, released by FCPS Sept. 14 says the “the proposal as currently described should not be approved” … Continued
The Fairfax Leadership Academy and college entry rates
By Gary Petrazzuolo, a member of United Parents to Renovate Our Academic Resources (UPROAR). The Fairfax Leadership Academy (FLA) certainly has created a feel-good buzz about launching a charter school in the county for the laudable goal of getting more low-income/minority (LIM) students into four-year colleges. But the real feel-good buzz here should be that … Continued

Charter school would offer dual enrollment with NOVA
FCHS parents put up these signs outside the meeting Founders of the charter school proposed for Fairfax County presented their vision to a packed room at a public meeting hosted by Fairfax County Public Schools at the FCPS headquarters building in Falls Church June 12. The Fairfax County School Board is scheduled to hold a … Continued
FCPS holds public meeting on proposed charter school
The public is invited to a meeting on the charter school application submitted by the founders of the Fairfax Leadership Academy (FLA). The meeting will take place Tuesday, June 12, 7:30 p.m., at the Gatehouse Center, 8115 Gatehouse Road, Falls Church. It will cover the objectives and instructional approach of the proposed charter school, its … Continued

Welch says charter school won’t compete with Falls Church HS
If approved, the charter school would be housed at the Graham Road Elementary School building Eric Welch, the founder of the proposed charter school opposed by many Falls Church High School parents, wants to set the record straight: He feels that the parents who organized a group to oppose the charter school, UPROAR (United Parents … Continued