Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Change of leadership for Phillips School

Phillips Big changes are coming to the Phillips Programs for Children and Families, which operates the Phillips School in Annandale. Sally Sibley, who has been president and CEO for 42 years, is retiring at the end of September. The Phillips board of trustees has named Nancy Mercer to take on that role, beginning Oct. 1. … Continued

Learn how to be an advocate for abused or neglected children

A new case of child abuse or neglect enters the FairfaxCounty Domestic and Juvenile Relations Court system once every 38 hours. These children need dedicated, caring advocates to help ensure that their best interests are represented in court. That’s where Fairfax Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) enters the picture. CASA volunteers gather information for the … Continued

Huge auction next Friday will raise money for Sleepy Hollow playground

Everyone in Annandale—and beyond—is invited to a Live and Silent Auction at Sleepy Hollow Elementary School next Friday, April 8, 6:30-9 p.m. The school’s PTA organized the auction to raise money to replace the school’s 20-year-old playground. You can begin bidding now for about 20 items online through eBay’s non-profit service. You can view and … Continued