Tag: community events
Volunteers needed for stream clean-up
Volunteers will be cleaning up streambeds throughout the D.C. region—including several locations in the Annandale area—this Saturday, April 10, as part of the 22nd annual Potomac River Watershed Cleanup. The regional effort, sponsored by the Alice Ferguson Foundation is aimed at removing trash from parks, parking lots, and fields before it enters creeks and other waterways that drain into … Continued
Grants will support community projects in Parklawn
Congratulations to the Parklawn community for receiving $10,000 in 2010 grant funds from Fairfax County for community improvement projects. The Parklawn Civic Association received a $5,000 Neighborhood Enhancement Grant for fixing up Glasgow Park, and the Parklawn Pool also received $5,000 grant for environmental improvements, reports the association’s president, Mollie Loeffler. The grant for the … Continued
Teens raise money for Haiti earthquake victims
Who says teenagers are apathetic and self-centered? These Annandale youths—Sylvia Greer, Sydney Khalaji, and Sarah Mueller—organized a bake sale Sunday at the Annandale Giant and raised $537 to help victims of the devastating earthquake in Haiti. Towers Watson, a global professional services company based in Arlington, contributed matching funds. The money will go to the … Continued
Check out the Frostival for family fun
Looking for something fun to do with the little ones during the break? Thanks to Jill Anderson of the Lake Barcroft blog for suggesting the Frostival, a new winter-themed family festival sponsored by Celebrate Fairfax. Geared to children ages 2-12, the Frostival runs from 10 a.m., Jan. 1 to 5 p.m., Jan. 3 at the … Continued
Free workshops on starting a business
If your plans for 2010 include starting your own business, you might want to sign up for an entrepreneurship seminar hosted by the Fairfax County Economic Development Authority (FCEDA). “Entrepreneurship 101: Starting a Business in Fairfax County” seminars will be held Jan. 5, Feb. 2, March 2, April 6, May 4, June 8, Sept. 14, … Continued
Cook launches community engagement initiative
Dozens of people came to a Town Hall meeting at Lake Braddock Secondary School Oct. 21 to hear Fairfax Supervisor John C. Cook of the Braddock District announce plans for a new community engagement initiative. A Leadership Institute, to be held Jan. 23, will educate community leaders on their legal, financial, and fiduciary responsibilities along … Continued
Bolivians totally rock the Annandale parade
Fall Festival at Green Springs
Plant sales, horticulture demonstrations, music, and kid crafts brought crowds to Green Springs Gardens’ Fall Garden Festival Oct. 3.
Consignment sale offers great deals on kids’ stuff
If you’re looking for ways to outfit your kids for less, don’t miss the Kids’ Stuff Consignment Sale on Saturday, Nov. 14, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. at Annandale United Methodist Church on Columbia Pike at the Gallows Road intersection. A blog reader sent us the tip about the consignment sale, which is sponsored by … Continued
KORUS Festival celebrates all things Korean
Large crowds jammed the Kmart parking lot last weekend for the seventh annual KORUS Festival, featuring traditional and pop music, break dancing, martial arts demonstrations, and food–lots of food. The event, hosted by the KORUS House of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea and the Korean American Association of the Washington Metropolitan Area, is … Continued
Swine flu could be catastophic
Once flu season breaks out this fall, Fairfax County can expect higher than normal rates of illness and death and high absentee rates in the workplace and schools. The Fairfax County Health Department plans to host a series of town hall meetings throughout the county this month to better prepare residents for flu season. Dr. … Continued
Anklebreaker Triathlon in Lincolnia set for Labor Day
What better way to celebrate Labor Day than taking part in the second annual Lincolnia Park Anklebreaker Triathlon. The competition includes a six-length swim, three and a-half-mile bike race, and two-mile run. “It’s a great intro to the sport and is family friendly,” says organizer Loretta Prencipe. The event takes place Monday, Sept. 7 at … Continued
All-Star swim meet is huge success
Hundreds of swimmers and their parents converged at Broyhill Crest pool Aug. 1 for the Northern Virginia Swimming League Individual All-Stars. It was the first time the Broyhill Crest Recreation Club hosted such a large event, and it was a huge success, thanks to the many hours of planning and work put in by Linda … Continued
Annandale Neighorhood Center faces cutbacks
On a recent Thursday evening, the Annandale Neighborhood Center was hopping. Families hard hit by the faltering economy filled bags with fresh produce, bread, and other donated items. Young children built block towers and watched “Bolt.” And a teenager killed time between a summer school class and his job at a CVS watching videos on … Continued
Koreans celebrate heritage
These fan dancers from the Seung Moo group performed at the annual Korean Cultural Heritage Night at Ossian Hall Park June 28. The event’s sponsor, the Korean-American Association of Northern Virginia, wants to promote cultural exchange and friendship with the rest of the Annandale community, says William Won Hwang, the organization’s sponsor. Hwang came to … Continued