Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Skatin’ for a cause

About 200 young boys competed in the annual Skatefest June 20 and 21 at the Wakefield Skate Park. Prizes were given out for best quarter pipe jam, best trick, and park/skate course in various age categories. The event, “Sk8 for a Cause,” benefits Children’s National Medical Center. Dan Callahan, the owner of Fairfax Surf Shop, … Continued

Bedlam on John Marr Drive

About 20 teams pushed hospital beds up and down the street in front of the Kmart this morning in the annual bed race. A team from Silverado restaurant won the race, which benefits the Special Olympics of Virginia and Annandale Chamber of Commerce.  A team from the Reithoffer Shows, the company running the carnival in … Continued