Tag: Comprehensive Plan

Site-specific Plan Amendment process to start Jan. 13
The nomination process for site-specific plan amendments to Fairfax County’s Comprehensive Plan will start Jan. 13 and run through Feb. 13. The Comprehensive Plan is the guiding document for land use and development decisions and sets forth the community’s vision for the future. Site-specific amendments are generally submitted by developers, but anyone can propose a … Continued

Board of Supervisors approves affordable housing preservation policy
The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors last week approved an amendment to the county’s Comprehensive Plan aimed at preserving existing affordable, multifamily rental housing. The amendment was passed on a 9-1 vote with only Supervisor Pat Herrity (Springfield) voting against it. The amendment sets a goal of “no net loss of affordable units to the … Continued

Planning Commission rejects development proposal for Little River Turnpike
The Fairfax County Planning Commission rejected a site-specific plan amendment nomination for a mixed-use development on Little River Turnpike, but agreed to proceed with four others. The Planning Commission reviewed five redevelopment proposals at a workshop on March 9 to determine whether they should be added to the planning staff’s Comprehensive Plan work program for … Continued

Bailey’s Crossroads residents say crime should be addressed before redevelopment
Several community members who attended a Fairfax County Planning Department presentation on a proposal for a major mixed-use project on the Food Star site in Bailey’s Crossroads said the county should address the immediate problems in that area first. Those problems include crime, litter, traffic, weeds in the median, safety and trash issues at Skyline … Continued