Tag: Covid

Design updated for the Covid memorial
The Fairfax County Arts Committee Project Team earlier this month submitted an updated design proposal for a Covid memorial at the Fairfax County Government Center. The Board of Supervisors had passed a resolution on Feb. 8, 2022, calling for the creation of a memorial recognizing the impact of the Covid pandemic and providing an area … Continued

Artists selected for the Covid memorial
ArtsFairfax and the Fairfax County Arts Committee have selected the artists to design the county’s Covid memorial. The structure – to be created by the team of Miriam Gusevich and Salvatore Pirrone – will serve as a permanent memorial to the victims of Covid-19 and will recognize the heroic efforts of healthcare providers, first responders, … Continued

Supervisors end the Covid emergency plan
The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors agreed at its Feb. 7 meeting to end the Covid-19 emergency declaration on March 1. That declaration, in place since March 2020, activated the county’s emergency operations plan and authorized aid to mitigate the effects of Covid. During the pandemic, the county approved emergency rules to allow restaurants and … Continued

ArtsFairfax invites bids for a Covid memorial
ArtsFairfax has put out a request for proposals for a public art project to memorialize the experience of Covid-19 in Fairfax County. “The selected artist/team will design, fabricate, and install a permanent work of art that will commemorate the suffering of people in the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as the heroism of the people who … Continued

Covid tests available at mobile labs
Beginning this week, the Fairfax County Health Department will offer Covid testing through its new partner Curative Inc. Mobile labs will provide free PCR testing at these locations in Mason District: Bailey’s Community Center, 5920 Summers Lane, Bailey’s Crossroads – every Tuesday and Friday, 8 a.m.-6 p.m. New Grand Mart, 6255 Little River Turnpike, Lincolnia … Continued

Health Dept. offers vaccine to kids under 5
Fairfax County Health Department sites are providing Covid vaccinations to children age 6 months to age 5, as of June 21. Appointments are not necessary. The vaccinations are available at Health Department clinics, including the one at 7611 Little River Turnpike in Annandale. Only the Moderna vaccine will be available for the youngest children at … Continued

Covid didn’t stop these Eagle Scouts
The Covid pandemic has been hard for everyone, and that includes members of Scout troops. Nevertheless, three members of Troop 1525, all graduating seniors, were recognized for attaining Eagle Scout status at a Court of Honor ceremony June 7. “We are calling them Covid Eagles because they all performed their service projects and earned their … Continued

Fairfax County plans Covid memorial
Plans are moving forward for a Fairfax County memorial for those who lost their lives in the Covid-19 pandemic. At the urging of Board Chair Jeffrey McKay, the Board of Supervisors directed the Facilities Management Department, Park Authority, and other relevant agencies to begin working on a cost estimate, timeline, and design options for a … Continued

Covid cases rising in Fairfax County
While mask mandates are being lifted and many people are behaving like the pandemic is over, the Fairfax County Health Department still urges caution, as new Covid cases are rising. Over the past two weeks, the number of Covid cases in the Fairfax Health District has risen by 62 percent. Since a low of 53 … Continued

ON – Crossroads helps meet the needs of Culmore residents
Thanks to the Opportunities Neighborhood – Crossroads program, residents of Culmore in Bailey’s Crossroads have fewer food insecurities, have gotten a Covid vaccine, and have access to resources for more help. Opportunity Neighborhoods (ON) is a Fairfax County program that brings together community-based partners and residents to provide resources to vulnerable youths and families. The … Continued

Fairfax County makes masks optional
Face masks are now optional for employees and visitors at most Fairfax County government locations. The new policy is based on guidance issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Feb. 25. According to the new metrics underlying the CDC’s updated guidance, the Covid-19 transmission rate in Fairfax County is “low,” meaning most … Continued

Masks in schools optional as of March 1
As of Tuesday, March 1, face masks will be optional for students in Fairfax County Public Schools. That’s the date a state law takes effect giving parents the authority to determine if their child should wear a mask or not. In a Feb. 25 message, FCPS Superintendent Scott Brabrand wrote: “We continue to be concerned … Continued

FCPS sets metrics for ending mask mandate
Fairfax County Public Schools will begin to roll back its mask requirements when the county reaches “moderate transmission rates” and remains there for seven consecutive days, the school system announced. Meanwhile, both the Virginia House of Delegates and Senate have passed bills allowing parents to have their children opt out of school mask mandates. Gov. … Continued

New group supports public education
A new grassroots advocacy organization, called 4 Public Education, is speaking out against the increasingly aggressive attacks against public education. Mason District resident Holly Hazard, chair of 4 Public Education, announced the launch of the group during the community participation portion of the Feb. 10 Fairfax County School Board meeting. “Negative forces are at work … Continued
Watch out for counterfeit face masks
There is some concern that the free N95 and KN95 masks distributed to Fairfax County employees might be counterfeit. Fake masks are a nationwide concern, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The CDC reports 60 percent of the N95s it evaluated in 2020 and 2021 were counterfeit. An employee who works in … Continued