Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Community center opens at Fairmont Gardens

A new community center has opened at the Fairmont Gardens apartment complex in Annandale. The center is a project of FACETS, the nonprofit that operates the Opportunity Neighborhoods-Annandale program for the Fairfax County Department of Neighborhood and Community Services. Located in a former apartment, the FACETS Cares Community Development Center will offer after-school tutoring, access … Continued

Teen Advocates educate their peers on healthy relationships

Dozens of teens from across Fairfax County gathered at the Minnie Peyton Community Center in Bailey’s Crossroads on Feb. 6 to talk about the differences between healthy and abusive dating relationships. The youths, members of the Fairfax County Teen Advocates, decorated the walls with posters they had created, presented speeches, and organized activities for their … Continued

NVCC to shut down the ceramics program in Annandale

Students and faculty at Northern Virginia Community College are protesting NVCC’s decision to close the ceramics and sculpture studio at the Annandale campus. “Although the administration calls this a ‘consolidation’ into the ceramics studio at the Alexandria campus, Alexandria does not have the space to absorb all the current students,” said Sheila Avruch, a volunteer … Continued

Dog grooming school opens in Annandale

The Pawtiques dog grooming salon is now accepting students interested in a career as a dog groomer. The salon, at 4207 Tom Davis Drive in Annandale, has been certified as a dog grooming academy by the State Council for Higher Education for Virginia. The 460-hour, 16-week course includes hands-on and theoretical training covering grooming techniques, … Continued

School news

Social media threats – FCPS is partnering with the Fairfax County Police Department’s Threat Assessment Management Unit to investigate fake social media threats directed to schools. “We will work quickly to identify those who make these threats,” FCPS states. “If identified, these individuals face serious consequences including the very real possibility of criminal charges. What … Continued

Scholarships available for career training

If you’re stuck in a dead-end job and want to learn a new trade, check out Fairfax County Public Schools’ Adult and Community Education program. FCPS ACE provides flexible, affordable, career-focused training and workforce readiness. The program is offering $30,000 in scholarships to enable adults to take specialized apprenticeship classes, earn necessary licenses or certifications, … Continued