Tag: emergencies

Annandale resident lost everything in a fire
Kitty Dragonera wouldn’t be alive today if she hadn’t gotten up at 3 a.m. to go to the bathroom on Nov. 23. When she opened the bedroom door, she found the carpet and couch in the living room were on fire. By the time the smoke detector went off, flames were shooting up the walls. … Continued

Broadband network for first responders expanded
The First Responder Network Authority and AT&T are investing more than $6.3 billion over the next 10 years to expand FirstNet, the nation’s public safety broadband network. The upgrade will enhance 5G coverage for first responders. Another $2 billion is under consideration. Starting in March, AT&T announced, “FirstNet will be the first and only wireless network … Continued

Donations sought for Turkish quake survivors
The Northern Virginia Regional Commission launched a fundraising effort to provide food packages to the victims of the recent earthquakes in Türkiye. More than 30,000 people have died and millions have been displaced due to the damage caused by the earthquakes and aftershocks. The regional commission set a fundraising goal of $25,000. Donations can be … Continued

Residents can upload critical information to help first responders
The Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department launched a new program, Community Connect, that allows residents to share critical information about their household that will aid first responders during an emergency. The kinds of information that can be stored in Community Connect includes the names and contact information for residents; information about pets; and whether … Continued

Local Ukrainian Americans worried about folks back home
Three Ukrainian Americans contacted by Annandale Today are stressed out, barely able to sleep, and worried about their relatives back home, as the brutal invasion by Russia continues. Marina Bayduk a resident of Springfield, is extremely concerned about her family in Ukraine. After watching the news, she woke up family members in Kyiv in the … Continued

Local residents concerned about climate change
Flooding at the Sleepy Hollow Bath & Racquet Club on Sleepy Hollow Road in July 2019. Close to half – 45 percent – of Fairfax County residents are “extremely concerned” about climate change. That’s one of the key findings in a survey conducted this summer to inform the county’s first-ever Climate Adaptation and Resilience Plan, … Continued

Church collects supplies for Haiti
In response to the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Haiti, Mount Pleasant Baptist Church in Lincolnia is collecting much-needed supplies. Community members can drop off items on Saturday, Oct. 16, 10 a.m.-noon, at the church parking lot at 6477 Lincolnia Road. Donations can also be dropped off at the church on weekdays, 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m.
Fairfax County officials remember 9-11 at ceremony at Bailey’s Crossroads Fire Station
An ambulance from the Annandale Fire Station at the Pentagon on 9-11. [Ramiro Galvez] About 35 Fairfax County firefighters and paramedics who responded to the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001, are still working for the fire department. Two of them were at a Remembrance Ceremony at the Bailey’s Crossroads Fire Station Saturday commemorating the 20th … Continued
Photo exhibit commemorates tragedy and heroism of 9-11
The 9-11 photo exhibit at the shopping mall in Pentagon City. On the 20th anniversary of the worst terrorist attack on American soil, leaders of Northern Virginia fire departments came together to remember the lives lost and the heroism of the first responders on that tragic day. They spoke at the opening reception for an … Continued

Public input sought on hazard mitigation plan
A windstorm in 2018 damaged this house in Lake Barcroft. Are you more concerned about severe winter weather or tornados? flash flooding or wildfires? The public is encouraged to take a survey to help policymakers update the 2017 Northern Virginia Hazard Mitigation Plan.

Heavy rains and flash flooding predicted
Avoid driving on flooded streets. The National Weather Service predicts hazardous weather in Northern Virginia through Thursday as the remnants of Hurricane Ida pass through. An extended period of heavy rain is expected, beginning late Tuesday and continuing through Thursday morning. Rainfall amounts of 2 to 4 inches are predicted, with some areas possibly experiencing … Continued

Off the beaten path
Here’s what can happen when a huge amount of rain causes flash flooding. A reader sent this photo of a car in the Upper Long Branch Stream between the cul-de-sacs at 6th Street and Glen Forest Drive in Bailey’s Crossroads.

Carbon monoxide leak shuts down Poe Middle School
About 30 students were evacuated from Poe Middle School in Annandale this morning due to a carbon monoxide leak, the Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department reported on Twitter. Students were sheltered in a warm location on the school’s property while they waited for their parents to pick them up. There were no injuries.

Fairfax County’s new emergency app connects cardiac arrest victims with volunteers who know CPR
The Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department has adopted the PulsePoint Respond mobile app, which alerts residents trained in CRP to an emergency nearby involving someone experiencing a sudden cardiac arrest. The PulsePoint app is connected to the 911 system and simultaneously notifies bystanders who can provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation before an ambulance arrives. That can … Continued

Rep. Connolly calls for impeachment of Trump, describes experiences during siege of Capitol
Rioters attack the U.S. Capitol during a siege inspired by Trump aimed at overturning the election. [Victor J. Blue/Bloomberg] Following the siege on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 by an angry mob incited by President Trump, Rep. Gerry Connolly is calling for Trump to be impeached and for use of the 25th Amendment to … Continued