Tag: employment

School news roundup
The following news briefs cover schools in the Annandale/Mason District area. Collective bargaining – The Fairfax County School Board will hold a public hearing on a resolution to allow collective bargaining on Dec. 15, 6-7 p.m., at Jackson Middle School. Registration for 25 speakers will open at 6 a.m. on Dec. 1. Legislation approved by … Continued

BoS urges state to prevent schools from hiring offenders
The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors agreed on Oct. 11 to urge the state to strengthen its policies on how the arrests of public school employees are reported. This action comes in the wake of the discovery of a convicted sexual predator working as a counselor at Glasgow Middle School. County and school officials were … Continued

Supervisors increase hiring bonuses
The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors on Sept. 13 agreed to offer $15,000 hiring bonuses to attract qualified applicants for certain hard-to-fill jobs. Those positions include developmental disability support coordinators, emergency service clinicians, nurses, police officers, and sheriff deputies. Currently, the county executive has the authority to grant hiring bonuses up to $5,000 for these … Continued

FCPS to investigate how a convicted sex offender was hired at Glasgow
Fairfax County Public Schools has hired a consultant to prepare an in-depth report analyzing how a convicted sex offender was able to work at Glasgow Middle School, Superintendent Michelle Reid told Glasgow families at an Aug. 25 meeting. Darren Thornton was hired as a counselor at Glasgow in 2020 – after he had been arrested … Continued

Police Dept. copes with personnel shortage
Faced with a personnel shortage, the Fairfax County Police Department is stepping up its recruiting efforts. FCPD has 195 operational vacancies, but that doesn’t account for the 50 recruits in the Police Academy, a public information officer reports. The vacancies are across the department and not concentrated in specific areas. The police department launched an … Continued

Libraries to cut hours in August
Once again, all Fairfax County public libraries will reduce their hours, as of Aug. 14, due to staff shortages. As library employees quit or retire, the library system is having trouble recruiting new staff. Under the new schedule, libraries will only be open two evenings a week. Libraries will be open Monday and Tuesday 9 … Continued

School board approves employee bonuses
The Fairfax County School Board on Aug. 26 approved one-time $1,000 bonuses to all full-time and hourly contracted employees, including bus drivers and food service workers. Temporary hourly employees will get $500 bonuses.

Bailey’s Crossroads Fire Station hosts Gov. Northam for bill-signing ceremony
First responders and elected officials at the bill signing ceremony in Bailey’s Crossroads. Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam signed legislation protecting first responders at a ceremony at the Bailey’s Crossroads Fire Station May 6. The measure expands workers’ compensation to allow coverage for first responders on the frontline of the COVID-19 pandemic.
New Virginia program offers free community college tuition to lower-income students
Northam signs legislation enacting the G3 program. Students from low and middle-income households in Virginia are now eligible for free tuition at community colleges in certain high-demand fields. Gov. Ralph Northam signed legislation March 29 at the Alexandria campus of Northern Virginia Community College creating the “Get Skilled, Get a Job, Give Back” (G3) initiative.

Fairfax County hiring summer camp counselors
Rec-Pac summer camps are based at schools. [FCPA] Summer jobs are available with Rec-PAC, the six-week summer camp program run by the Fairfax County Park Authority. There are more than 200 positions available. Applicants must be at least 18 years old and must have or be willing to obtain CPR and first aid certifications.

Fairfax County Schools hosts job fair for classroom monitors
Fairfax County is hosting a virtual job fair on Jan. 15 for people interested in becoming classroom monitors. Monitors will provide in-person assistance for students when a staff member remains virtual. A high school diploma or equivalent experience is required. Monitors will earn $15.42 an hour. The virtual job fair for middle and high school … Continued

With winter weather on the horizon, TaskTeens is available for snow shoveling
A teen gets the work done. [TaskTeens] TaskTeens, the online service that matches homeowners with teens available for yardwork, is ready for winter. The company, run by a high school student, has about 260 teens from all over the Northern Virginia area ready to perform all kinds of outdoor work. During the summer, most of … Continued

COVID cases trending upwards in Fairfax County
COVID-19 cases in Fairfax County are on the upswing, while the economic challenges are mounting. There were 205 new cases on Nov. 11 and 131 new cases on Nov. 10, the Fairfax County Health Department reports. There were two deaths since yesterday, for a total of 624. As of Nov. 11, the county had a … Continued

Fairfax County will hire hundreds of contact tracers
Contact tracers play a key role in curbing the spread of COVID-19. [NBC Bay Area] The Fairfax County Health Department plans to hire up to 400 contact tracers to help monitor people who might be infected with COVID-19 and anyone they’ve been in contact with. The Health Department has been conducting contact investigations since the … Continued

Northam extends ban on elective surgery
A technician at the Fairfax County Health Department Laboratory has a message for the public. Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam on April 23 extended the ban on elective surgeries until May 1. That ban had been set to expire tomorrow. Northam also extended the closure of Department of Motor Vehicle public-facing offices by two weeks until … Continued