Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Support the needy at Our Daily Bread’s Empty Bowls event

Sheriff Stacey Kincaid and Greg Kincaid. Enjoy a fun evening while helping to raise money for needy families at Our Daily Bread’s Empty Bowls event. It’s Feb. 27, 6-8 p.m. at the Stacy C. Sherwood Community Center, 3740 Old Lee Highway, Fairfax. This is Our Daily Bread’s 30th anniversary. The nonprofit organization provides food, financial … Continued

Annandale native has fond memories of growing up in an idyllic small town

Annandale Elementary School students in 1953. Annandale might be a transient, traffic-clogged suburb poised for redevelopment, but for many people who grew up here in the middle of the last century, it’s fondly  remembered as an idyllic small town where everyone knew one another. That’s now it was for Nikki McDonald, 72, whose family moved … Continued

Broadway Desserts this weekend at Annandale HS

 UPDATED Jan. 23: This concert is postponed to some time this spring. A date hasn’t been set. Annandale High School’s 16th Annual Broadway Desserts opens this Thursday, with additional shows on Friday and Saturday. Enjoy an entertaining evening while showing your support for talented local youths. This cabaret-style show, presented by the school’s Choral Department, … Continued

Free concert in Annandale next Sunday

Kirsten Warfield (right) and Present Company. The public is invited to a free concert with Kirsten Warfield and Present Company next Sunday, Jan. 12, 7 p.m. at St. Alban’s Episcopal Church, 6800 Columbia Pike, Annandale. Present Company takes the classical brass quintet and adds the beat of drums and digital effects to create a contemporary … Continued

‘Laughing Jag’ at FCHS tonight

Looking for some cheap fun tonight? The Falls Church High School Theater Department is presenting “Laughing Jag,” three one-act comedies, for just $5 ($3 for students). The show is in the Falls Church High School auditorium, 7521 Jaguar Trail, Falls Church, at 7 p.m. Refreshments will be available during intermission. Come and support FCHS drama … Continued

Crowds converge on Annandale for annual Fall Festival and Parade

Annandale was a hub of activity yesterday, with the annual parade in the morning and the Fall Festival all day. The festival  brought crowds of people to the Little River Plaza shopping center parking lot for children’s games, craft vendors, food, live music, a NASCAR demonstration, antique cars, fire department vehicles, children’s entertainment, and displays … Continued

Annandale Parade and Fall Festival set for Oct. 26

Columbia Pike, the parade route. Annandale’s biggest annual event—the pre-Halloween parade and fall festival—is less than three weeks away. On Saturday, Oct. 26, beginning at 10 a.m., high school bands, fantastically costumed Bolivian dancers,  antique cars, Scouts, fire trucks, kids in Halloween costumes, waving politicians, and much, much more will travel down Columbia Pike, beginning … Continued