Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Wonder Wagon takes nature on the road

The Fairfax County Park Authority has a new way to help residents experience nature in their communities and schools. The new Wonder Wagon is a mobile nature center that brings environmental and nature-based educational programs to underserved areas.   The brightly painted Wonder Wagon van makes the rounds of afterschool programs, Head Start centers, and … Continued

Schools get new trees for Arbor Day

Two Annandale elementary schools celebrated Arbor Day by planting trees. On April 26, the Fairfax County Urban Forest Management Division helped students plant 12 trees at Annandale Terrace Elementary School. Supervisors Andres Jimenez (Mason) and James Walkinshaw (Braddock), Fairfax County Schools Superintendent Michelle Reid, and school board member Ryan McElveen (at-large) participated in the Arbor … Continued

Jimenez forms environmental group

Fairfax County Supervisor Andres Jimenez is forming an environmental work group to find creative ways to make Mason District more environmentally friendly. The Greener Mason Advisory Committee “will help us find hyper-local, creative ways to meet the climate goals set by Fairfax County,” Jimenez said. “As a former executive for climate and environmental nonprofits, furthering … Continued

Discounts offered on solar energy

With all eyes on the solar eclipse later today (figuratively, not literally, we hope), it’s a good time to think about making the most of the sun’s energy.  This year marks the 10th anniversary of Solarize Virginia, a program that vets solar panel installation companies that provides discounts to homeowners. It’s offered by the Local Energy Alliance … Continued

County planners recommend more robust reviews of data centers

Fairfax County planning staff issued a report on data centers that recommends additional requirements to address the potential negative impacts on the environment and nearby residential communities. Last May, the Board of Supervisors directed to staff conduct research and present recommendations on how proposals for data centers should be considered with regard to zoning, siting, … Continued

FCPS will get more electric school buses

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has awarded Fairfax County Public Schools $16.59 million to purchase 42 electric school buses. The EPA’s first Clean School Bus Program grant competition is aimed at accelerating the transition to low and zero-emission vehicles. “These awards will improve air quality for children and their families and advance environmental justice, all … Continued