Tag: funding

County seeks public input on use of federal funds for the homeless
Fairfax County has received a $7.88 million federal grant to address homelessness and is seeking public input on how to use it. The funds come from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Home Investment Partnerships Program – American Rescue Plan (HOME-ARP). Members of the public are invited to participate in a virtual public … Continued

Board expands small business support
Fairfax County plans to roll out the Fairfax Founders Fund this fall to provide seed capital for innovative and early-stage businesses. The funds will be focused on underrepresented communities that have struggled to obtain early-stage financing from traditional lending sources. The Board of Supervisors committed $1 million from its Economic Opportunity Reserve Fund for the … Continued

County seeks more funding for Seven Corners ring road
The failure of the Northern Virginia Transportation Authority to fully fund the Seven Corners ring road will not delay the project, says project manager Nanditha Paradkar with the Fairfax County Department of Transportation. The ring road is a massive effort to reduce congestion by creating a road around the Leesburg Pike/Arlington Boulevard/Wilson Boulevard intersection. Funding … Continued

Seven Corners project not fully funded
The Northern Virginia Transportation Authority (NVTA) has approved more than $330 million for six transportation projects in Fairfax County. While five of the projects are fully funded, the NVTA is only allocating $4.2 million for the $94.8 million Seven Corners ring road project. That project would improve traffic flow and pedestrian and bicycle safety around … Continued

Park Authority inequities harm vulnerable communities
By Lydia Lawrence Lower-income and minority residents of Fairfax County are being shortchanged by the Park Authority, mostly due to the lack of funding. In the wake of the controversy over Justice Park, the Fairfax NAACP has done a significant amount of research and investigation into the lack of equity in the park system. Here … Continued

County executive proposes an ‘optimistic’ budget for FY 2023
Fairfax County Executive Bryan Hill proposes a fiscal year 2023 budget that retains the tax rate, fully funds schools, and raises employee pay. Hill presented the budget to the Board of Supervisors Feb. 22. Hill told the board he is cautiously optimistic that the county is turning a corner on the pandemic and heading down … Continued

FCPS proposes a $3.3 billion budget
Fairfax County Public Schools Superintendent Scott Brabrand has proposed a $3.3 billion budget for FY 2022-23 that includes a 4 percent cost-of-living increase for employees. That would add $100 million to the budget. Brabrand also proposes adding $55.3 million for step increases for eligible employees. Keeping pace with the cost of living “has been our … Continued

Thank you, Rep. Connolly, for supporting Alzheimer’s research
Guy Mayer with his dad in 1967. By Guy R. Mayer The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the critical importance of medical research. As Congress addresses the needs of our nation’s most vulnerable impacted by COVID-19, they’re also continuing their work to address another devastating disease affecting millions of Americans – Alzheimer’s. In honor of my … Continued

School board approves employee bonuses
The Fairfax County School Board on Aug. 26 approved one-time $1,000 bonuses to all full-time and hourly contracted employees, including bus drivers and food service workers. Temporary hourly employees will get $500 bonuses.

New grant program will aid childcare centers, community organizations hurt by COVID
The Fairfax County Government Center. The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors approved a new $10 million grant program to help certain small businesses and community-based organizations hurt by the COVID-19 public health emergency. The program will be launched in late August.
School bond referendum includes construction funds for Falls Church High School
A rendering of the bus loop in front of a renovated Falls Church High School. [Perkins Eastman] Nine years after parents began pushing for the renovation of Falls Church High School, the Board of Supervisors authorized a bond referendum June 8 with $130 million in construction funds for the aging, obsolete school. The $360 million … Continued
Board of Supervisors approves two initiatives to assist small businesses
The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors took two actions June 8 to support small businesses. The board authorized the licensing of a “Made in Fairfax” logo and approved a $25 million grant program to assist small businesses hurt by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Made in Fairfax initiative supports small-scale production and businesses by providing resources … Continued

Supervisors approve one-cent property tax decrease
The Fairfax County Government Center. The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors approved a marked-up version of a FY22 budget April 27 that includes a 1-cent decrease in the real estate tax rate for homeowners. The 1-cent cut was initially proposed by County Executive Bryan Hill. Most homeowners will see a tax increase, however, as real … Continued

Residents air concerns on taxes at Mason District Budget Town Hall
The Fairfax County Government Center The biggest issue Mason District residents brought to the virtual Town Hall meeting March 15 hosted by Supervisor Penny Gross is the increase in real estate assessments. The advertised budget for fiscal year 2022, approved by the Board of Supervisors March 9, would maintain the current tax rate of $1.15 … Continued

Draft county budget would cut real estate tax rate
The Fairfax County Government Center Fairfax County Executive Bryan Hill is proposing a 1-cent decrease in the residential real estate tax for fiscal year 2022. That would help offset a big increase in real estate value over the past year, Hill told the Board of Supervisors in his presentation on an advertised budget Feb. 23.